"I'm Sorry."

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Thank you guys for reading and reviewing! I hope everyone is staying safe!

Ummm, I said sorry in the last chapter and I'm going to say it again...I'm sorry.

Words: 2,380 Ooh, this chapter is a bit longer than the others.


Clear water turns pink when it runs off Richard's hands before swirling down the drain. He scrubs his hands and arms more than necessary. The white undershirt he wears is stained red. He removes it quickly before replacing it with the scrub top he was loaned.

When he's sure there's no more blood, Richard splashes cold water over his cleaned face. The icy chill helps ground him, allowing him to take his first deep breath since...since everything happened. Despite the increase in oxygen, he still feels as if he can't breathe.

Grabbing his bloodied uniform, Richard stuffs it in a bag and ties it shut. He runs a hand through his hair before leaving the bathroom and reentering the waiting room. He sits heavily in one of the chairs and rests his elbows on his knees, face buried in his hands.

Time passes slow. To slow. The updates he gets on Devyn do him no good. It's always the same. She's still in surgery, they're doing everything they can. He doesn't care about that, he just wants to know if she's going to be okay. But he also knows no one can tell him that for sure.

He's alone in the surgery waiting room. It's really early morning by now, around two, he thinks. But it doesn't stay that way for long. He hears the rushed footsteps before he sees them.

Spencer is leading the group, his face scrunched in worry and anguish. It looks as if he's in physical pain. Richard wouldn't be surprised if he somehow was.

"She's still in surgery," He tells the younger man before he can even catch his breath. "They're working on her, there's not much else to say." Richard shakes his head with a tired sigh.

"Where was she hit?" JJ questions, once again speaking before Spencer can. He's not even sure he knows what to say. Richard looks up at catches the blonde's eyes. He knows, as soon as his gaze lands on her blue eyes, he realizes that she knows. About the baby. The others though, they seem to pass the question off as concern. As JJ just wanting to know more about her friend's condition.

"Stomach," Richard whispers just loud enough for them to hear. JJ clenches her jaw and looks up, blinking her eyes rapidly. "I-..."

Spencer covers his face with his hands and falls into the seat next to Richard. Garcia, who'd met up with the team just before arriving, sits beside him. He thinks he might throw up. Just as quickly as he sat, Spencer jumps to his feet and rushes down the hall towards the bathroom.

"I got it," Morgan holds up his hands to the others before following after Reid.

Hotch watches his team members round the corner before he turns back to Richard, gaining the man's attention. "I understand now isn't the best time, but can you tell us what happened?"


"Reid?" Morgan pushes the bathroom door open slowly and inches inside. "Kid?" Spencer's hands are braced on the sink counter, his head down low. His fingers and knuckles turn white when he grips the countertop and his body rocks back and forth. "Spencer."

"I can't-" Reid shakes his head, his voice barely a whisper.

"Okay, kid, breath," Derek moves faster to reach Spencer's side. "Look at me," He demands and Reid drags his eyes up to his. "She is going to be fine." He knows he shouldn't be promising this. But he can't help it. He's not only trying to assure Spencer, but also himself. "You take the time you need and you pull yourself together because she needs you. Devyn needs you. When she gets out of surgery and wakes up, the first person she'll want to see is you."

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