Matching Puzzle Pieces

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Remember note 1 from the last chapter?

Words: 2,293 A longer that a good thing or...?


Devyn is half asleep when she gets the call. She had only meant to rest her eyes on the couch for a bit. Spencer had texted her earlier, telling her about a case. She'd been disappointed that, even though the case is local, they had to cancel their dinner plans. But it gave her more time to run her errands and clean up the apartment.

She hasn't gone back to work yet. Spencer agreed more time off would be good for her and Devyn's finding that he's right. She feels better, almost ready to go back. For sure this time.

It takes a minute for Devyn's sleep-riddled mind to connect the noise with the ringing of her phone. Squinting her eyes open, Devyn reaches onto the coffee table and blindly pulls her phone towards her, answering without looking at the caller ID.

"Mm, hello?" She mumbles into the phone.

"Devyn, where are you?"

"Derek?" Devyn questions while moving to sit up. "What's going on?"

"Devyn, it's Spencer," As if a bucket of ice water is dumped down her back, Devyn's back stiffens, all sleep disappearing from her system. "Are you at the apartment? I'm on my way to get you now." Morgan's question goes unanswered. Devyn sits frozen, staring at the window across from her blankly. "Devyn?"

"I-I'm home," She stutters out before jumping to her feet. "Wh-what happened? Is-is he okay? Please tell me he's okay."

"He's in surgery," Morgan says instead of answering her question.

"What happened?" Devyn repeats herself in a growl, putting as much strength as she can behind her words.

"He was shot," Derek finally answers, his voice soft. Devyn didn't think it was possible, but she feels her stomach drop even further at the information. "Look, he was stable when I left the hospital, I'm pulling up outside now."

"I'm on my way down," Devyn mumbles before hanging up the phone. She doesn't even tie her shoes or grab a jacket before she's rushing out the door.

Morgan pulls out of the driveway as soon as Devyn closes the passenger side door of his truck. Forcing a few deep breaths, Devyn wills her voice not to break. "Where was he shot?"


"Where, Derek?" Devyn cuts him off, raising and voice and twisting her head to look at him.

Sighing, Morgan grips his steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip and shakes his head. "Right above his vest. Right side."

The air is forced from Devyn's lungs for the second time that night and she lifts a hand to cover her mouth. "Were you with him? What was the ambulance's response time?"

"Devyn, this-"

"How long?"

"Fourteen minutes."

"Should've been quicker," Devyn mumbles. If she was thinking clearing she would know that they got there as fast as they could. They always get there as fast as they can. But sometimes their fastest isn't good enough. Every second counts.

Nothing else is said between the two before they pull up to the hospital. Devyn is out of the vehicle before it's even come to a complete stop. Morgan calls after her but she ignores him and rushes into the ER.

She sees the others before they see her. JJ is pacing. One arm folded across her middle while her other elbow rests on it, her fingernails between her teeth. Garcia and Emily sit together, the former's eyes are red from crying but she's calmed down with Emily's help, the older woman's hand resting on the blonde's shoulder. Rossi sits quietly by himself while Hotch stands in the corner alone.

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