Maybe Wishes Do Come True

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I think this is the longest chapter this entire fic. And I absolutely adore it! It's one of my favorites! We get to find out a little more about Devyn. Richard is his normal awesome self. Morgan being a wing man. And of course, Spencer!

Words: 3,378


Gritting her teeth, Devyn clenches her fist closed and forcefully holds it back from hitting the wall. "Yes, I got his letters," She grounds out into the phone. "They're currently resting at the bottom of my trash can, torn to shreds. And if you don't stop calling me, you won't be any better off!"

The voice filtering through the speaker grates on her nerves and she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath. "He's not even supposed to know where I live, I'm guessing you found out and told him. That's not very legal, Mr. Lawyer. Call me again and I'll call the cops." Hanging up, Devyn throws her phone across the room. She sighs when she hears it hit the wall before dropping to the floor.

She places a hand over her stomach when a wave of nausea washes over her. But she pushes herself forward and gets ready for her shift. "So, plans after work?" Devyn's eyebrows furrow and she slowly turns her head to look at Richard. He himself is looking out the windshield, mindlessly chewing on a twizzler.

"Why?" She questions him slowly and he shrugs.

"I can't ask what you're doing?"

"You never ask what I'm doing after work unless I start the conversation." Devyn points out and Richard huffs.

"Well, you've not been doing that a lot lately." When Devyn looks away, Richard turns his head towards her. "Come on, don't think I haven't noticed."

"You said it annoyed you when I spoke, what's changed?"

"Open the glove box," Richard nods towards the dash in front of Devyn, ignoring the young woman's question.

Devyn raises her eyebrows and stares at him for a moment before moving to do as he said. Her fingers slide under the handle and she pulls it towards herself. She sees what he wants her to immediately.

Her stomach drops but at the same time, her lips twitch upwards. "Go on." Reaching forward, Devyn grabs the small, red, gift box attached to a book. She unties the ribbon holding both items together before lifting the lid off the small box.

Devyn laughs when she sees what's inside. A silver ambulance keychain with a separate tag reading, 'This is how I roll'. "That's funny," She mumbles. "What's the journal for?"

"It can be good to, you know..." Richard trails off with a shrug. "I have one. Whenever I get a really bad call, I..."

"Write it down," Devyn finishes with a small nod.

"Yeah, it's good to get it out. It's better than keeping it in your head," Richard confesses. "It helps. Anyway, happy birthday, kid."

"Yeah," Devyn whispers. She has no idea how he knows today is her birthday but she doesn't ask. "Thanks." Placing the gift back into the box, Devyn makes a mental note to collect it later.

Richard glances over at her but doesn't say anything when a call comes through the radio. Sighing, the older man starts in the direction of the address. "Gonna be a long day."

Hours later, Devyn realizes just how right Richard was. It seemed the whole day was back to back calls until finally there's a break.

Taking a deep breath, Devyn leans her back against the wall, listening to the hustle and bustle of the hospital. Richard is off somewhere, she doesn't know. She left his side earlier. It's not him, she just needs a break from...everything. Today's just not a good day. For many reasons.

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