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This is a pretty special chapter...

Words: 2,109


Somehow, Devyn manages to sleep for hours. Spencer wakes multiple times over those hours, with nurses coming into the room or just the noise of the hospital reaching his ears. But through it all, he keeps his arm wrapped tightly around Devyn, careful not to wake her.

When she finally does wake, Devyn sits up quickly but carefully while rubbing her eyes. Spencer can't help but smirk at her messy hair and sleepy expression. "Are you okay?" Devyn asks, her eyes moving from his face and towards his wound.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Immediately following his words, Devyn delivers a soft slap to his good shoulder. "What was that for?" Spencer's voice rises in pitch and he looks up at Devyn with furrowed brows.

"For getting shot," She tells him heatedly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What can I say? It was my turn." Spencer holds back his shrug, laughing at the perplexed look on Devyn's face.

"You broke your promise."

"I never actually promised," It's not a lie, he never actually said the word promise.

"Spencer Reid!" Devyn whisper yells at him but he only laughs more, his left arm reaching out to cup the back of her neck.

"Oh, I love you," He says softly with a slight shake of his head.

"Well, I'm mad at you right now," Devyn huffs.

"No sympathy points?" Spencer frowns and Devyn turns her head side to side as if she's thinking before a smile breaks out across her face. Leaning forward, Devyn kisses the pout off his lips. "One more?" Spencer asks, pulling a chuckle from Devyn before she leans forward for another kiss. "Better than any pain meds."

"Uh-huh, okay," Devyn mumbles sarcastically. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Had to try."

"Yeah. Are you hungry?" Spencer shakes his head with a mumbled 'no' while his hand rests on Devyn's thigh, his fingers mindlessly moving back and forth over the fabric of her pants. "I'm going to grab you some food. Me too for that," Devyn climbs off the bed slowly, stretching her legs and shoulders once she's standing. "You good?" She asks after turning back to Spencer, his face more somber than before.

"Yeah," He nods, lips turning up into a small smile before it falls.

"Hey, I'll be right back," Devyn assures him with a quick kiss before she makes her leave.

Sighing, Spencer watches Devyn go until he can't see her anymore. He lifts his left hand and hovers it over the bandage on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, Spencer lets his gaze survey the room before they land on his messenger bag in a chair. A thoughtful look passes his face, eyes lingering on the brown bag before filtering to the door Devyn disappeared through.


Walking down one of the hospital's long halls, Derek stops when he reaches his friend's room but doesn't enter. He listens to the voices inside before peeking through the cracked door. Devyn sits on the bed next to Spencer, their shoulders touching. Devyn shakes her head, laughing about something before she reaches towards the tables resting over them and grabs a jello cup before opening it. When Spencer grumbles about something, Morgan takes that as his opportunity to enter.

"Knock knock," He announces loudly, drawing the couple's attention. "What's going on in here?"

"She's babying me," Spencer accuses with a pointed look to Devyn who scoffs and shakes her head.

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