I Wouldn't Call It A Date

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Thank you guys so much for reading and reviewing! You guys really seem to like Richard and that makes me so happy! Richard is the best and there's much more scenes with him to come!

I really like this chapter. It's funny and cute. There's a line I'm super proud of because I think it's hilarious lol.

Words: 1,813


Spencer sees Morgan approaching him from the corner of his eye. He doesn't look up at the man but instead keeps his eyes on the paperwork he's filling out. When Derek reaches him, he leans against his desk, Reid pauses.

"Yes?" He peeks up at the man with a questioning look. Derek is smiling, Spencer sighs internally.

"You gonna call her?"

"Call who?" Spencer asks and looks back down at the paper but he doesn't really take it in.

"Don't play dumb, pretty boy," Morgan shakes his head and Spencer sighs. "Come on, I know you got her number."

"I'm sorry, what?" Emily appears, asking her question with a surprised laugh.

"Spencer got a girl's number," Derek says in a sing-song voice and Reid rolls his eyes.

"Oooh, Dr. Reid," Emily smile in interest and joins Morgan's side. "Well? Who is she? Where'd you meet?"

"It's the paramedic," Derek tells her and Spencer shakes his head, dropping his pen. They're talking as if he's not even there.

"Oh, the pretty, young one?" Emily says in realization, pointing to nothing, and Morgan nods in confirmation. "Yeah, I remember her. Nice going, Reid."

"But he hasn't called her."

"Reid!" Emily gasps. "You can't keep a girl like that waiting." She discreetly nudges Morgan and he nods back slightly.

"Yeah, man, you can't expect her to wait forever." Morgan sighs dramatically, smirking when Reid pinches the bridge of his nose.

"She's probably thinking you're not even interested by now, I mean-"

"Fine," Spencer raises his hand, cutting his friends off. He's not an idiot, he's knows exactly what they're trying to do. He's just annoyed that it's working. "You want me to call her? I'll call her right now." Pulling out his phone, Spencer dials Devyn's number while Emily and Derek look at each other, smiling in triumph.

Bringing the phone to his ear, Spencer sits back in his chair and gives his co-workers a look. The line rings and rings. It gets to a point where Reid thinks he's not going to get an answer. He's not sure if he's glad or not. Of course, he wants Devyn to answer but he doesn't really want to talk to her in front of the team. Why did he give in to them?

Just when he's about to move the phone away from his ear, the ringing stops and a bit of static sounds before a voice. "Dr. Reid."

Eyebrows furrowing, Spencer sits up in his seat, turning his head down to block Morgan and Emily out. "How'd you know it was me?"

"Oh, I didn't," Devyn says and Spencer can imagine the expression on her face perfectly and the way she shakes her head. "I've just been answering every unknown number that way since I gave you my number. Confused a lot of telemarketers."

A laugh escapes Spencer and the young man misses the raised eyebrows from both his colleagues. "I bet," He mumbles. "Um..." Trailing off, Spencer looks up at the others who continue to watch him. He squints his eyes at them before standing and walking away. "Hey." He says weakly once he's alone. He had called her because the others were bugging him. He doesn't actually know what to say.

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