Heat Of The Moment

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Thanks so much for reading! 

I love this chapter. It's great. Got some funny moments! I stayed up late last night reading this story and got even more excited for you guys to read this!

Also, after this story is over, I want to write a bunch of one-shots based around it. Like before the story even started, between (Like deleted scenes). Between it and the epilogue. And after. And of course you guys send in request on what you want to see in these one-shots!

Warning? Do sugestive comments count as a warning? If so then...You've been warned.

Important note, is around this chapter and the next, more time passes than it seems. Spencer and Devyn have been together for longer than it probably feels.

And there will be more moments with Richard and Devyn, don't worry! 

So sorry that was a lot ^

Words: 1,294


Devyn's next run-in with the team happens sooner than any of them thought it would. They've just finished a case but not everyone got away unscathed. When she and Richard arrive, Devyn scans the crowd, relieved to see Spencer unharmed.

Another bus is already there, those paramedics wheeling an unconscious, beat man handcuffed into the vehicle. Devyn's eyebrows raise and she looks from him and to JJ who has her own bruises.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," She says to the blonde while looking a the cut on her cheek.

JJ huffs a laugh. "Well I had a good teacher," She looks towards Morgan and Devyn follows her eyes. "And from what I've heard, you can handle yourself." JJ raises her eyebrows with a teasing look and Devyn shakes her head.

"He told you about that?"

"Oh, he told everyone about that," JJ nods. "Spencer's girl punches someone out, Morgan's not going to keep that to himself."

"We weren't dating at the time," Devyn says slowly, her focus on putting a bandage over the older woman's cut.

"Yeah, but I think Morgan knew."

"Knew what?" The man himself appears beside them and looks back and forth between them questioningly.

"Nothing," Both women say at the same time and he raises his eyebrows. "Well," Turning away from the man, Devyn looks at JJ. "Just a cut and a bruise but with all head wounds, a CT is always recommended."

"No, I'm fine," JJ shakes her head and stands. "Doesn't even hurt."

"She's tough," Devyn says and Derek nods in agreement. "Hey, where-"


"Never mind," Devyn mumbles and waves to the two agents before moving towards Richard. He asks her to start packing up before walking off. She's mumbling a song under her breath when a shadow falls over her and she turns her head to see one of the cops on scene. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you had a name or if I could call you mine."

Devyn probably would've laughed if she didn't get major douche bag vibes from this guy. And she doesn't want to give him that satisfaction. "Has that ever actually worked for you?" She asks instead while turning back to her work.

"Sometimes." Devyn sees him shrug from the corner of her eye and she sighs.

"Well, not this time," She tells him before stepping back and closing the ambulance's back doors.

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