Chapter Five- I have a decision to make.

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~~Cinnamon's point of view~~

The next morning, I get up and shower. I showered to make sure the tear stains disappear. Hopefully, the red eyes too. I stay in a little longer than usual. There is no evidence of the tears when I get out, but my mind is all kinds of fucked. What Kerrison did was dirty. Me setting the picture as my phone background was probably just as bad. Today is going to suck at work.

I make my way to the kitchen and start a pot of coffee. I don't drink it, but Dyson does. I start breakfast. I had it just about finished when he comes up behind me and kisses the top of my head. This is how it is every morning. We have a routine, and it rare that it changes. As I finish it, he gets the plates and silverware.

Something is off. Dyson's mood is off, I always know. We have lived together long enough that I know when something is bothering him. I put the food on our plates and carry them to the table. He makes a cup of coffee, and I get my orange juice. I also grab the ketchup and hot sauce. I giggle because I know Dyson thinks it's gross, but I can't eat eggs without either.

Dyson: "We need to talk."

I haven't heard those words in forever. What follows is not ordinarily good.

Cinnamon: "About?"

Dyson: "I won't even go there about the nasty ass shit you got on your plate. This is a little more serious."

Cinnamon: "What's going on?"

Dyson: "Why did you cry yourself to sleep last night?"

Cinnamon: "Nothing. It wasn't a big deal."

Dyson: "Don't lie to me, Cinnamon. You send me a text saying you're out with a friend, Kerrison Denton brings you home, and then you cry yourself to sleep. Tell me what's going on, or I will call Kerrison myself."

Cinnamon: "How did you see Kerrison?"

Dyson: "I got off early. I saw him drop you off. I know who he is, Cinnamon. You just need to tell me."

Cinnamon: "I had just gotten back from lunch with Ebony when someone knocked on the door. There was a monster of a man standing there. He threatened to tell my mom about the egg donation. I can't have her find out, so I went with him. The monster led me to Kerrison Denton."

Dyson: "The Monster?"

Cinnamon: "This guy was six-foot-something and extremely muscled up. He wasn't scary, and he didn't hurt me. I do believe he would have told my mom."

Dyson: "What did Kerrison want?"

I can't stop the tears that immediately form in my eyes. I can't say the words, so I open my phone and push it to him.

Dyson: "I see. Cute kid Cinn. He looks a lot like you."

Cinnamon: "I know. He looks like his dad too."

Dyson: "I'd say he's got the perfect mix of both of you. Still doesn't explain why you cried yourself to sleep."

Cinnamon: "He sent me that late last night. I didn't get to see him while I was at their house yesterday. I heard him cry then the monster took him somewhere. I got that picture and lost it."

Dyson: "Why?"

Cinnamon: "Because no matter what, he is my son. He carries my blood."

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