Chapter Nineteen- One year later.

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~Cinnamon's point of view~

This past year has been crazy. The media was bad before we had Arlington. AC, we call him AC; it went crazy after we had him. Yes, I say we. I gave Kerrison a hard time while I was pregnant with him. Lord knows that man deserves some kind of medal or something for dealing with my emotional ass. He fought for us, though. He wasn't going to let us fall apart without a fight. I'm glad he didn't. It showed me that he really would do anything for us. I knew he would no matter what.

The first few months after AC was born, we chose not to leave the house. We did take the trip to Texas. AC was three months old. All of us agreed after that we couldn't keep being sheltered. We were missing out on life. We all also agreed that if Arlington were still alive, he would want us to be out and enjoying the world. Eric had videos of him and Arlington throughout the years. We sat and watched them then agreed it was time.

We never went out without detail. Karter gave up his P.I. business because he wanted to stay with us, so Kerrison put him on his payroll. Kerrison broke down and told me about his business. Marvin helped me put a press release which he read to the public. He did it right after AC was born. I wanted people to know that Kerrison wasn't the blame for anything surrounding Arlington's death. We also acknowledge in public that AC belonged to Arlington. Kerrison insisted that it be that way publicly.

Kerrison still won't touch me in public, which, as I sit here today, I laugh at. For the longest time, the media would snap pictures of Eric, Bryant, and me together. They ran wild with the widow and the best friend. We all had fun with that one and still do. When out in public, it looks like Eric and I are together. Kerrison loves it. It took the focus off of him.

That helped his business get back on track. I was thankful for that because he thrives on that business. I don't blame him. He had it before any of this ever happened to him. He shouldn't lose it because of me. It's bad enough that we have to say AC belongs to Arlington, and we don't know. I sometimes wish we would have gotten the DNA test. We've talked about it. Kerrison doesn't want it.

Eric: "You ready to do this?"

I take a deep breath.

Cinnamon: "I would be lying if I said yes. I don't know if I will ever be ready."

Eric: "You know this is what he would want."

Cinnamon: "I do. I know it's what he would want. It's what I want. I know that sounds weird."

Eric: "No, it doesn't. You want this; you know it needs to happen, but you feel like you're betraying Arlington."

Cinnamon: "Exactly."

Eric: "Don't feel like that. I'm telling you this is what he would want."

Marvin: "I have to agree."

I didn't hear the door open. Marvin has been very involved. He was before he found out about AC, and he has been since. He has helped us with everything, He knows we don't know who his father is. He knows we don't want to know. He has helped with everything.

Marvin: "I was sent in here to tell you to get your ass moving; a pregnant bitch is hot."

I burst out laughing. That would be Ebony; She is eight months pregnant with their second child.

Cinnamon: "I'm coming."

Eric: "I will make sure her ass gets moving."

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