Chapter Eighteen- Silver linings.

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~Cinnamon's point of view~

~Three Months later~

Shit has been absolutely batshit crazy. We haven't left the house since the day at the lawyer's office. We can't; the media is fucking nuts. Eric has been bringing us groceries and things we need. Monster and Katy have had to go out because of Gia. She has to see her doctor; she is still an infant. The fucked up part is no one will tell me why it's so bad.

Marvin avoids the question. Eric tells me that it will all blow over; Monster and Kerrison tell me they have it under control. I know they do. I just hate that we don't get to grieve properly. Katy said the same thing happened when Sierra died. She said it's the price of being married to someone famous. She also said that Arlington's fame surpassed anything Sierra did. I know that he did.

My dad somehow found out. I was married to Arlington for seven months. With him almost a year and my dad didn't know I had even gotten married. I did call; I told his wife. She didn't tell him. That isn't on me. I do have a feeling the only reason he reached out is that somehow the media found out Arlington left me everything. I think it was money motivated on his end. I am not giving him anything.

He will never meet his grandchildren. My kids don't need him in their lives; I don't need him in my life. He didn't want to be there when I needed him; I don't need him here now that I can handle my own. He did lose it when he found out my mom remarried. I laughed and hung up. I am done with him.

I have too much shit going on to try to deal with him. I inherited a lot more than I knew about. Kerrison and Mavin have helped me get it all straight. Marvin has been awesome and has been coming here to avoid us going out. He and Eric both have been phenomenal. Eric and Kerrison have been handling the tattoo shops. We may both own them, but Kerrison runs it with Eric.

We have only had one issue, and that was someone who wanted to steal money. They thought with everything going on; we wouldn't notice. Eric was all over it. We did give him a hefty pay raise because he is essentially running all eight shops. Something needs to be done, or they need something they call Eric. If it's something major, he calls Kerrison. I didn't know until recently Arlington did all Kerrison's tattoos.

He told me that he was glad he did because he will have the memories of the hours they spent together while doing it. I know he misses him as much as I do. So do Katy and Monster. We were all very close. Bryant struggles as I knew he would. We have worked with his school to keep him remote until next school year. He will go back after the summer.

Stress has been extremely high today. We have to go out; We have no choice. It isn't my choice Kerrison insisted. Before everything happened with Arlington, I started randomly getting extreme pain in my stomach. It keeps getting worse. I get light headaches too. I know that they are related; I don't know what it is, though. The headaches have gotten worse since his death.

Katy and my mom are watching the kids while we go. I want to talk to Kerrison while were out. Tray and Monster are used to being part of our private conversations. They know we never get time alone unless we're in bed. Lately, there has been no talking in bed. I can't keep my hands to myself when we're in bed. There really hasn't been any talk at all really.

Kerrison: "Ok, Katalina. You and Rebecca have your normal two. When we leave, I will send them in."

Katalina/Katy: "Ok."

Rebecca: "We got this, Kerrison. Katy and I have become quite the team."

Katalina/Katy: "Yes, we have."

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