Chapter Three- I have news.

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~~Kerrison's point of view~~

~Two weeks later~

I haven't been able to get the woman who helped create Kyzer off my mind. I have so many questions about her. I'm just curious. I know Karter is doing everything he can to find her. The last I heard was that he had it narrowed down to the facility. He just had to find out who she is. I think he knows more than what he is telling me; he just doesn't want to get my hopes up.

He may not know; honestly, I know he would tell me; I have started looking into nannies just in case. So far, I haven't found anyone I like. I will keep looking. I don't want a person who is going to be a robot. I want someone who will love him as a human, not treat him like a job. That is my biggest worry with a nanny.

Nothing says that the donor would be any different. She may not want anything to do with him; I can't force her either; I won't force her. I'm not a monster. I just want the chance to talk to her. To explain the situation. If she even gives me a chance to do that. I want to sit and talk to her before she even gets near my child.

I get busy working. I have three high profile clients that need detail while they go on vacation. I also have the daughter of a high-ranking businessman. He is trying to keep his daughter from her drug-addicted mother. I get why he does; money changed her; they were high school sweethearts.

Just those four took me most of the day. The businessman took the longest. His daughter is sixteen, and he wanted a woman with her. I do have women who work for me. Not one of them was qualified for her. I had to break up the one husband and wife team I have working for me. They don't mind working alone, but the body I had her with bitched. They calmed when I said I was sending the husband's sister. I don't discriminate. If they are qualified, I hire them.

I put all my files on my desk, turn off my computer. I had just picked up Kyzer when Karter walked in. I make my way back to my seat behind my desk. Karter sits across from me. I can see he has something on his mind; I can't tell if it is good or bad.

Kerrison: "What's up?"

Karter: "I have news. Do you want the good or bad first?"

Kerrison: "Start wherever you want."

Karter: "I have it narrowed down to two different girls. It's definitely one of the two."

Damn. I thought he would tell me that he found her, but she's married with kids, or she died or something. I didn't even think about her not being here anymore. I guess it could have been possible, but he said it's definitely one of the two.

Kerrison: "What's the problem with that?"

Karter: "One is married with a baby. The other, I believe, is dating the doctor of the clinic. I know for sure they live together."

Kerrison: "What do you know about them?"

Karter slides me two pictures; one is a chunky blonde with blue eyes. The other is a tattooed blonde with blue eyes. Neither looks too maternal to me, but I guess one has to be if she has a child. It seems like I am going to be shit out of luck.

Karter: "The married one just recently moved back. They moved to Michigan after graduation. The husband took a job there. He accepted a promotion that led them back here. The other stayed here and works for the clinic. She and the doctor live in an apartment two blocks from the clinic."

Kerrison: "Which girl is which?"

Karter: "The skinny blonde is the married one. The chubby blond is with the doctor; both girls are UCLA graduates; the chubby blonde is Cinnamon Sugar Corne Jo, she has a degree in Pediatric Nursing. She started working for the clinic right out of school. They aren't married and don't have any kids. The skinny blonde is Ebony Lagman, now Menson. She has an early education degree; she is a stay-at-home mom though; her husband has a good job."

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