Chapter Ten- Sexual contact and conversations.

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~~Cinnamon's point of view~~

~Two weeks later~

I know it's not right, but I alternate my time between Arlington and Kerrison. Kerrison knows that I go to Arlington. Arlington doesn't know that when I am at home, I spend it with Kerrison. It's been weird, though. I don't have a relationship with either of them. Despite what Arlington told Kerrison that night, it isn't true. He and I haven't confirmed anything.

I don't really spend it with Kerrison. He and I have a weird relationship. We don't talk at all. If I am home, I am in his bed at night. We don't talk at all; we just cuddle. We wake up and go about our business. We don't talk about it at all; we haven't spoken a word to each other in two weeks. When it comes to Kyzer, we don't need words. We just know what the other one wants.

Arlington thinks that I have more access to Kyzer, and he accepts that. He doesn't question me being in his life. He doesn't question me, period. Whatever I do have with him easy. I do talk to him. We text when I'm not with him, and we use words when I'm with him. It's very different with both of them.

Katy hasn't spoken a word to me and completely avoids me. I don't mind that one bit; I don't mind her. She just doesn't like me; I don't care. Monster and I still get along great. I think that irritates Katy too. He is the only one in the house I do talk to. He's the only one that talks to me at all.

I am currently curled up on Arlington's couch. Kerrison was out of the house with Kyzer, and Katy was home. I texted Arlington, and he told me where his key was. I told him to text me before he left. I want to make dinner for him. He always cooks for me. He's really sweet, but something is missing. I feel like he's hiding a part of his life from me. I refuse to google him.

I do know that Monster can't stand him. I have never asked why. I'm not sure I want to. Monster is a great guy; he rarely says he dislikes someone. We all have secrets, though. Some are better left that way. However, mine are now all out in the open. I have no secrets. Except who's bed I am in at night.

~Text conversation~

Arlington: "I'm on my way home, Babe."

Cinnamon: "Ok. Be careful."

~End conversation~

I wait a little bit before I start cooking. I know where his tattoo shop is, and I know where we live. I know that I have time. I set my timer and read a book. When it goes off, I get up and start making dinner. I decided to make Risotto. It was what I could put together with what he had in his house. It will be perfect and done right at the time he should get home.

I had put my air pods in and was almost done cooking when I felt hands on my hips. Then his mouth on my shoulder. His hand moved from hip to under my panties. I lean my head against his chest; he bends and kisses me as he enters a finger in me and presses his palm against my clit.

He breaks the kiss...

He adds a second finger.

I feel his breath by my ear...

Arlington: "Cum for me, Babe."

He plants kisses along my shoulder as I lose it on his fingers.

He walks away as if nothing happened. I finish dinner while he showers. I can see that he has something on his mind. I don't pick or dig for information. I know him well enough now to know not do that. He processes things differently than a lot of people. I wait for him to tell me.

We eat, I clean up, and we cuddle on the couch.

Arlington: "I had a visit from Elma today."

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