1. I'm all yours

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"Alex? Can u pick up the goddamn phone?"

The wind passed by slowly, as I was standing on the sidewalk. It was very dark outside, and the only light that I could see, was the moon shining trough the trees, and the flickering light of the street lantarn I was standing under.

A perfect setting for a horrible shitty night

I was shivering to death and trying to call Alex.

"Bella? What's up?"


He picked up

"Alex? I-.. I need a place to spend the night."

I was shaking a little. The awful words that Brian yelled at me were still repeating in my head.

Brian and I decided to break up this evening.

God I never expected it to be this bad.
We've been a couple since college, and our bond used to be very tight. But then, after graduation, Brian got a stupid ass job about TWO HOURS away from where we live, Sheffield.

We lived together in a small apartment, but sometimes it felt like he didn't even live there anymore. He had to get up super early, and he would return back home super late in the evening, when I was already asleep.

So, uhm, we had a fight. I was tired of him practically abandoning me, and he was sick of me not being able to take care for myself. I mean, what the fuck am I supposed to do?
I am sorry for expecting a little bit of attention from my boyfriend.


"Bella are you okay?" Alex asked confused.

"Not really, Brian and I had a fight and we kinda broke up i guess." I was a bit frustrated still, but mostly hurt.

"Oh god Bel... I am so sorry"

"It's okay, I just need somewhere to spend the night since Brian kinda kicked me out." I said, realising that I was basically homeless.

"You can stay at my house darlin, don't worry about it." Alex said, comforting me.

"Thank you Alex, you're the best." I smiled.

I heard Alex chuckling on the other side of the phone.

"So are you at your apartment?" I asked.

"Uhm no, I am at the pub around the corner. You should come! And we'll walk to my place afterwards." Alex said.

"Oh sure! I'll meet you there!" I was excited to see Alex again. He always makes sure that I'm okay.

Besides, I could use a drink.


Alex runs up to me and goes in for a warm embrace. Pulled away, and smiled.

"It's great to see you Alex!" I said loudly. The music in the pub was very loud so I could barely hear myself.

"Do you wanna have a drink Bel?" Alex asked.

"One Martini please" I smiled. I always liked his little nicknames for me. I don't know why he called me those names, but that's just the way Alex was.

Alex and I met a couple years ago. Brian took me to a pub and the Arctic Monkeys were playing there (they were in their early stages of getting famous). Jamie, the guitarist of the band, was a highschool friend of Brian, and invited us backstage after their performance.

We sat down on the leather sofa in the backstage room as the other band members walked in aswell. "Jamie are you going to introduce us?" Alex said when he saw us sitting there. "Right, this is Alex, Matt and Nick." Jamie said. "Nice to meet you guys, I am Brian." He shook their hands as he spoke. "And who is the lovely lady on the settee?" Alex asked. "I am Bella, nice to meet you. You guys were absolutely amazing!" I said delighted.

We spoke the whole evening and had drinks with everyone. After a while, I started to get a bit dizzy, since I got pretty tipsy. Alex went out for a smoke and asked if I wanted to join him so I could get fresh air. As we were outside we talked and laughed together. He told Brian and I could come to another gig if we wanted to, and i smiled. He was so nice. And not to mention, incredibly funny. We saw each other a lot after that night. Brian was happy for me that Alex and I became good friends, because Brian loved Alex aswell and knew that he couldn't harm me, so he just accepted it.


"Here you go."
Alex gave me the Martini and we sat down on the barstools. "So, what happened?" He asked.

"It's a long story, and I don't want to bore you Alex." I sighed.
"I don't think you can bore me." He smiled.

"Okay fine, but only because you let me stay at your apartment tonight." I said as a smile grew on my lips.

Alex looked very concentrated at me and truly listened to every word i said. I explained what happened, and told him about the fight. I also told him I still felt confused about my feelings for Brian, because the person I fell in love with was still in there somewhere.

"I know you dated him, but what a wanker." Alex said frustrated. I laughed, and as soon as I laughed, he laughed aswell.

"Thank you for letting me stay at your place tonight, Alex." I said smiling a bit. "Anything for you darling. I'm all yours." Alex looked deep in my eyes.

He is quite beautiful

"Where exactly is you stuff though?" Alex looked away. "Oh uhm I brought a suitcase and a box with me, they're in the wardrobe here in the pub." I said slowly.
"Well, shall we bring them home? And get you to bed? You must be tired after todays events."
Alex said.

"Yeah, you got that one right Al."


"So where exactly can i put my stuff away?"

"Uhm well since I only have got one bedroom, I guess in that bedroom?" Alex smiled, and bumped into a wall.

He was a bit drunk

"Are you sure? I don't want to make your room a complete mess." I said concerned.

"Oh please, i've been to your apartment many times and it looked cleeeaaann." Alex laughed.

"Ex-apartment, and yes, i guess your right. I am an amazing cleaner thank u very much." I said tapping my own shoulder.

"You're a weird one, that's for sure." Alex smiled. Still a bit drunk

After unpacking my stuff and changing in an oversized t-shirt and pyjama shorts, i let myself fall onto Alex' soft bed. A while later, he joined me.

We've been friends for years now so it was normal for us to sleep in the same bed. We trusted each other that nothing weird would happen. Because guess what? You don't have to lay on top of each other in a kingsize bed.
so it was no big deal.

I closed my eyes and Alex saw me trying to sleep.

"Goodnight Bella, you'll be fine"

I opened my eyes softly and smiled.

"Goodnight Al, thank you."

Thank you for reading chapter 1
I hope you liked it!

(Edited: 22-08-21)

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now