34. Did it help?

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"25 days."
He said.

"You'll be back in my arms again."
He said.

"I am looking forward to it."
He said.

"I love you.'

He lied.


5 years later...

"Bella! Welcome back!"
Pablo welcomed me as I walked back into my old office.

"Hi Pablo." I smile at him. "It's good to be back."

"Pleasure is mine sweetie! You turned down a job in LA for Vogue, just to come back here in Sheffield." He looked shocked.

"Yeah.. Paris lasted a bit longer than expected, and I missed Sheffield." I smile.

"I totally get it." Pablo smiled. "Oh, by the way, Alexa is waiting for you in her office."

My face froze.
"Okay thank you." I turn around and walk out of my office.

While walking in the hallway, I kept on thinking:
"You can do this Bella... it's just Alexa"

I got to Alexa's office and knocked on her door.

"Come in!" I heard Alexa say.

I slowly open the door and see Alexa waiting for me behind her desk.

"Hi..." I manage to say.

Alexa's eyes glistened and she shot up from her chair and gave me the biggest hug.

"Welcome back darling!" She said with her head in the crook of my neck. "I've missed you."

I started giggling.
"I've missed you too weirdo."

She pulled out of our hug and looked me in my eyes.

"Did it help?"
She asked.

"Yeah... I am doing better."
I smiled at her and we hugged again.


I guess it's time to tell you what happened in the past 5 years...

I was so excited to see him again. I waited 24 long days, and hadn't talked to him in a week due to our busy schedule. (At least I thought)

I thought it would be a fun surprise to meet him a day before we planned to meet each other again. Sure, he had work to do, but I thought I would just look around in LA.

I arrived in LA and got in a taxi. The taxi drove me to the address Alex had sent me. The address of his home.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door.
No answer. I assumed Alex was still sleeping because it was very early in the morning.

I walked around his house and ended up in his backyard. The back of his house had large windows and I decided to look into them.

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now