8. me mardy bum

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Enjoy my loves
This one will be a bit spicy

"This one's for your girlfriend:"


Alex and the monkeys were giving the most brilliant concert i've ever seen.

Alex always thought that concerts in Sheffield were the best, since it was his hometown and he felt more comfortable here.

"Well I bet that you look good on the dancefloor, I dont know if you're..."

I was standing in the crowd together with Sarah. Olivia was in the side wing to watch them play.

Before the concert started, we all drank some margaritas to celebrate being back in Sheffield. So there was a good vibe at the concert.

The song was finished and Alex said:

"The next song I'd like to dedicate to someone who I keep close to my heart, my bestfriend, my own Mardy Bum." He spotted me in the crowd. "There she is, give it up for Bella!!!" He pointed at me

I look up to the big screens and saw the cameras moving in my direction

Thousands of people were clapping and shouting for me, it was deafening. But oh so wonderful.

I smiled as wide as I could while mouthing "I don't know this guy", and laughed.


(Oliva pov)

Wait... what just happened?

I am literally Alex' girlfriend, why is he dedicating a love song to her?

It's probably nothing...



(Bella's pov)

After the concert was finished, Sarah and I went backstage to meet up with the boys, and congratulate them on this great performance.

As we sat on the bright purple sofa in the backstage lounge, Matt, Jamie and Nick came to us and sat down as well.

"You guys were absolutely amazing!" I said excitedly, while smiling.

"Yeah it was the best concert i've ever been to." Sarah smiled aswell.

"Thank you so much you pretty ladies." Matt smiled.

"Where's Alex?" I asked realising he never came.

"Uhm.. Olivia wanted to talk with him, they're in his dressing room." Jamie said.

"Oh okay, I gotta  go to the bathroom real quick, be right back." I said as I stood up.

The bathroom was at the end of the hall and I walked past Alex' dressing room.

"Why would you do that Alex?!"

I heard as I walked by his room.

Was that Olivia shouting at Alex?

I decided to stop in front of the door and laid my ear against the door.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I wanted to make sure everything was right.


(Alex' pov)

"Olivia I've known her for so long! She is my bestfriend." I said to Olivia as she was walking around in pure frustration.

"I know, I know... Its just... I am your girlfriend Alex. You can't just ignore me and dedicate a love song to some other girl." She said

"She's not just some other girl Olivia!" I snapped. Olivia looked terrified at me.

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now