Talking with a good friend

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Today is the day of the Firefighter Competition. Firefighters are ready again and ready for another challenge. Ellie, Audrey and Arnold line the ground floor of the fire department.

-"The day of the race has come!"- Audrey says happily.

-"Yes, again!"- Arnold laughs.

-"I'm so glad we got another chance." - Ellie rejoices.

-"Elvis? Where are you? "- the blonde girl tells their colleague.

-"Here I aaaaaaam ...."-  he comes down the stairs, but accidentally stumbles and stumbles on. Audrey hurries to provide support.

-"Are you okay? "- the others run towards them.

-"Yes! Thank you." -he replies, slowly releasing Audrey.

Okay, all that's missing is Sam and Penny, Arnold says.

-"Yes, they must be here soon. They're not late"-  Ellie adds.

-"Yes .... And now the spare fire trucks were brought in yesterday. All you have to do is volunteer, "- says the blonde firefighter. Most recently, the spare fire trucks did not arrive at the station on time. But with so much power, the race organizers could have provided fire trucks, and then you wouldn't have to take Jupiter out of here.

-"Hi! "- Sam and Penny enter, smiling at the fire door.

-"Hi!"-  they say hello. Audrey wants to talk to Sam. But he doesn't want to call in front of everyone, so he's still waiting.

-" A hour and we're leaving."- Step closer to the leading firefighter.

-"Yes, in the meantime, I think we should have some tea!"- Elvis starts, and the others nod after him. Sam also starts, but Audrey slowly grabs his arm.

-"Sam! I need to talk to you!"- she gives the team leader a worried look.

-"Everything is alright? Are you okay?"- Sam asks startled and steps back up the stairs to the girl. He puts his hands on his shoulders, he sees something tormenting the girl. He love Audrey, as if she were his sister.

-"Well, I think so ...."

-"Then say it!"- Sam smiles. He hopes to release his tension with this. The team is important, trust and honesty are important.

-"Come on!"- Audrey pulls away suddenly and they go into the hall. Vehicles are parked inside.

-"Let's get into Jupiter!"- the girl opens the driver's side and quickly climbs into the seat. Sam follows her, then closes the door and looks at the girl.

-"Well, there are 2 things." - the green-eyed girl starts slowly

-"You can start."

-"So. You love Penny."- Audrey says with a smile.

-"Yes,she is my good friend."- he says.

-"No, I mean you're in love with her!"- laughs the blonde girl a little.

-"Audrey !!! Shhhhh !!!" - he silences his colleague.

-"Sam! I think a lot of people guess. Totally there for you!"

-'Yes, I fell in love  with she"....

-"Listen Sam, loving friends will be one of the best relationships. Gradually, your trust will build up. During your many years of acquaintance, you have experienced a lot of things. However, it will be harder to confess your feelings to each other because they will be more afraid of losing the other."

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now