McKinley! Alarm!

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Hello, hello sweetie! Here is a new chapter. I thought since Arnold was going to have fewer alerts in the series, he would get now.

-"I'm just wondering when this race will be reorganized."- Arnold say.

"Good question ..." -she agreed, but was interrupted by the ringing bell.

"The meadow next to the mill caught fire while the Jones family had a picnic!" - says Station Officer Steele.

-"Oooo, is a fire."- Arnold says with complete calm. He looks at Audrey's colleague and then suddenly gets up from the couch. -"A fire !!" -he stood up in fright. -"Sam and Penny aren't back yet!"

-"I can see, but now come!" -she calls Arnold, standing near the pile , then slides down.

-"Ooo yes!" -he steps quickly to the column and follows Audrey. They rush to the shelf in the hall where they have their fire fighting clothes. Steele speaks on the loudspeaker.

-"Arnold, I'm staying at the station. That means you're now Audrey's leader."

Arnold is surprised. He has never been in a situation like this before. There was always a more experienced firefighter by his side. Meanwhile, they put on yellow pants, black boots, an azure jacket and a yellow helmet.

-"Audrey! Since it's just ... Jupiter is here to vaccinate, we have to take him!"

-"Roger that Arnold!" -she nods at the girl and heads for the fire truck. They both climb into the seat and Arnold starts Jupiter. He holds the government uncertainly. Smith turns on the sirens and lights. They start slowly. Since it is summer, it is not dark yet.

They are leaving the city now. The mill is close to the mountains and the forest.

-"Weeeel? How does it feel like behind the wheel of Jupiter?"

-"Fantastic! I can't believe I'm sitting on it now!" -Arnold says cheerfully. They'll be there soon.

-"I am glad!" - he smiles, then points to the fire- "then put out the fire!" The fire is a few meters from the mill. It spreads quickly, so you need to act quickly so that the building does not catch fire. Jupietr stops and the two firefighters immediately start extinguishing. Audrey installs the hoses and gives one to Arnold, then rushes quickly to the Jones family.

-"You are fine?" -she asks them to steer back.

"Yes!" -nodded Charlie, Bronwyn, Sahra and James.

-"All right, stay here! We're done!"- the blonde firefighter says, running back to his current leader.

-"Audrey, you inoculate the bushes. It spreads too fast to the plants!"- Arnold instructs.

-"I understand Arnold!" -Audrey picks up this hose and directs the jet of water at the shrubs. Meanwhile, Arnold puts out the campfire. Soon after, the flames fall asleep. The Jones family is getting closer to the firefighters.

-"I'm sorry! The flames just went up!"- Charlie explains, ashamed.

-"There's nothing wrong with Mosmar! But next time, put the campfire away from the bushes."- Anrold explains.

-"All right, Arnold! Thank you!"- the fisherman smiles a little.

By the time Arnold and Audrey return to the station, Sam and Penny will be done. Putting their blue jackets and yellow pants back on the hanger, Audrey and Arnold head upstairs and enter the kitchen. The two chief firefighters are sitting at the table.

-"Hi!"- all four say at once.

-"What has Norman done again?"- Audrey asks, sitting down at the table, Arnold sitting down, too.

-"You won't believe it. Norman fell into the water with a whole pack of rubber ducks."- Sam laughs.

- "How?"- Arnold begins to laugh.

- "He explained something stupid that he should have put the plastic ducks in town so the others would find him tomorrow, but when he wanted to hide at the water rescue center, he slipped and left the duck and fell into the sea." -Penny chuckles.

"Where did I come to work?"- Audrey asks seriously.

"It's called Pontypandy!"- Sam laughs, and everyone bursts out laughing.

- "Norman Price set their home on fire!"- Steele says through the loudspeaker.

-"What?!" -Audrey said.

"We just took him home!"- Penny gets to her head. Everyone stands up and rushes towards the column.

-"This is Pontypandy! And this is Norman!"- Sam smiles. They slide down in a row: Penny, Arnold, Sam and Audrey. Just when we have another alarm.

-"The Jones family got lost in the woods!" -Steele says in the same monotonous voice. The team looks at each other.

-"We were at the Jones picnic now." -Audrey crosses her arms.

-"New plan crew! Arnold and Audrey! Take Jupiter! Penny, you're coming with me! Bring Venus, I'll take Mercury!" - give the instruction to Sam and the other 3 firefighters nod and quickly put on their deployment clothes. They will set off within a few minutes with the allotted vehicle. The sun is still giving enough light, but it is feared that the search may take so long that it will get darker in the process.

Arriving at Dilys store, the two firefighters see the fire on the ground floor in the store ... again. Both Norman and Dilys have escaped and are now standing in front of the cafe opposite. Jupiter arrives with a bright blue flicker. The huge red vehicle stops in front of the store. The two firefighters get out and Audrey runs to the Price family.

-"Are you fine?"

- "We do, but the store ..."

-"Don't worry Dilys! We'll put it off!" - the blonde girl rushes back and picks up her yellow plaid vest.

Sam and Penny arrive at the mill since they last saw the Jones family. They both turn off the sirens.

-"Penny, release Saturn!"

-"Okay Sam!"- she pulls out the drone. The red-haired firefighter continues halfway through the forest with Mercury to search for the missing persons. The sun is already setting, they don't have much time before it gets dark.

-"Sam! We're done with the vaccination!"- Arnold said through the transceiver.

-"They're not there yet!"-Sam's panic sounds.

-"How about Radar?" -the brown-haired firefighter raises the idea.

"Good idea! Bring it! Now!" - He's always worried about his family, because they're the only ones ......... and Penny. Anrold and Audrey pick up Radar from the station and head to the mill. There, the dog takes an odor sample of the abandoned blanket used by the Jones family.

"It's the smell." -Audrey said. Radar runs towards the forest, followed by Arnold Venus. The two girls are looking at Saturn's thermal camera at the mill. After a while, the Dalmatian barking indicates that they are already close. Sam and Arnold follow Radar to the inside of the forest.

"We'll see them with Saturn!"- Penny says into the transceiver.

"Here we are!"  says the fisherman.

"Okay, call Saturn back!" - Sam smiles at his family. The senior firefighter stops with the quad and rushes towards his nephew and grandson and hugs each other.

"Uncle Sam!"- the twins say. Pulling out of his embrace, Sam walks toward Charlie and Bronwyn.

"Are you okay too?" - he asks.

"Yes Sam. Thank you!"- Charlie smiles. 

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now