First working day Part 2

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In the evening at the fire station, Audrey and Sam talk in the kitchen. Penny and Elvis check Jupiter's equipment. There were no more alarms that day. However, Audrey is still excited about her first day, as the shift is not over yet. That means there is still 1 hour left.

-"So Sam ..... I've already asked Penny. How was your first day at work ?" -the young girl sits down next to the chief firefighter.

-"Very good. I remember then handing over the old fire station. We'll start working with Elvis at the same time. Firefighter Steele was the only firefighter until then. And Elvis from Cardiff came from Newtown. So after the handover we walked around the building and" .......

. ...... The alarm sounds. Steele rushes to the office.

-"There's a fire in Dilys's shop!"- the Station Officer reads. -"Let's go team!" -he says. They put on their helmets, uniforms, and other gear and rush to Jupiter. In a few minutes, the firefighters will arrive at the store.

-"Take the hoses out and install them!"- Station officer Steele issues the instructions. The commander picks up the yellow vest and stands in front of his team.

-"Roger that sir!" -is the answer. Sam and Elvis pick up the respirator and give the small cards to the fire chief.

- Jones firefighter, air 100%. Cridlington firefighter, air 100%," - says the plane. Then, taking care of the hose, they enter the burning building.

-"Help!"-hHe hears from the room.

-"Did you hear that Elvis? It came from the room. Dilys was stuck in the room. Elvis deal with the fire, I went out for him!" -he says. Elvis nods in agreement. Sam kicks in the door and rescues Mrs. Price was. Meanwhile, Elvis and Stelee extinguished the fire.

-"Thank you for being rescued! And thank you for putting out the fire." -Dilys says. Station Officer Steele is standing next to his team.

-"Nice work team! I see bright years look ......

........ in front of us. And my working days are getting better."-  Sam concludes.

-"Great!"- Audrey wonders. - "Do you remember Penny's first day?"

-"Yes, I would never forget .... But why?"

-"Just because I ask her what it was like."

Then Penny comes up the stairs. Audrey gets up from the table and pushes the chair.

-"Sam ...!"- Penny looks at him.

-"I think I'm going down to Elvis now!"- Audrey says, jumping down the stairs happily.

-"This rookie is weird." -she approaches with a smile.

-"Yes, but her heart is in place" -Sam pulls out the chair next to him. The brown-eyed firefighter takes a seat. There is great silence. Sometimes they look at each other, but they quickly catch their eye.

-"You know, I want to say something.." -Sam breaks the silence. The woman turns to his colleague. - "You are my  very good friend  ..... and .... and whatever I can talk to you about, you are important to me and I will always be here for you if something happens. Maybe .... that ..... I ........ "-Sam stammer and pulls closer and closer to Penny. Then Station Officer Steele enters.

-"Sam, Penny? Can ..." -he says, then stops and stares at the two firefighters. -"Is everything okay?" He asks. Sam and Penny blush and pull away quickly.

-"Come on, sir! What are we going to do?"-Sam clears his throat.

-"Uhmmm, yes .... write ... write the report."- Station Officer heads to the office.

-"Yes, sir!"- the red-and-blond-haired firefighter stands up. Sam feels all this awfully awkward. He put his best friend in an awkward position.

-"Elvis! Elvis? Where are you ....?" -she enters the hall, then turns off the lights quickly. Since the sun has gone down, it is completely dark. -"Someone! Back to the lights!" -she says, but then someone grabs Audrey's shoulder. "I can't see in the dark!" - the electricity is switched back to this sentence. Audrey looks at her black-haired colleague. -"Heyyy! Elvis!"- she shrugs gently. -"You scared me!" 

-"I'm sorry, but don't say it wasn't funny!"- Elvis laughs.

-"But, I admit, it was!"- Audrey chuckles. "Elvis ...? How was your ... first day of work ?"

-"It was good!"- Elvis thinks. -"We started working with Sam at the same time. I knew a lot of everyone in town since I was born here, but new residents also came. After the handover of the fire station, we discovered the building, but not for long because" ........

....... the bell rings. Steele rushes to the office.

-"There's a fire in Dilys's shop!"-they hear on the loudspeaker. -"Let's go team!" They'll slide down the bar and pick up their gear. They'll get in Jupter and leave.

-"Take out the hoses and install them!"-Steele orders.

-"Roger that sir!" -Sam and Elvis say. They pick up the respirator.

-"Help!"- they hear from the room.

-"Did you hear that Elvis? It's came from the room. Dilys was stuck in the room. Elvis, deal with the fire, I went out with Dilys."- Sam says, then disappears into the smoke. Elvis turns off the power. But then the boxes fall and block the main exit.

-"Oh no!"- Steele shouts. Cridlington, step back! -"And he slams the door in. Sam rescues Dilys, while Elvis and Steele put out the fire.

-"The fire has fallen asleep!"-they declare.

-"Thank you for rescuing me. And thank you for putting out the fire!"- Dilys thanks the firefighters. Station Officer Steele turns to the firefighters. -"Nice work........! And as the commander said, there are really bright years ahead of us. "

-"It's a really good day's work."- Audrey cheers.

-"Yes!"- Elvis smiles. - "Do you want to help wind up the hoses?"

-"Yes! Just a moment, I'll straighten my hair."- say she and go to the blue cabinet. What is in it? Let's see. Comb, hair bands and buckles, magazines, drawing pad, pen holder, changing clothes and phone. The blonde firefighter girl looks at her hair in the mirror.

-"Audrey ....?"

-"Yeah?"- she turns and sees the hose wrapped around Elvis. -"Don't move! It just makes things worse!"-she laughs.- "Wait I'll help!"


-"Wait! No!" - and then BUM. They tangled in the hose and they both fell. Audrey and Elvis look at each other.

-"Saaam! Peeeny!"- the two firefighters run down the floor with lightning speed.

-"What happened?"- Penny asks who is lagging behind Sam.

-"Come and see!"- Sam laughs as he stops at the hall door.

-"How did you do that?"- Penny asks as she enters the hall.

-"Wait! We're helping!" - Sam goes closer after the blonde firefighter. This is when Ellie and Arnold enter the main entrance of the station.

-"We're here!"- Ellie says. They don't get an answer

-"Where are you?"- the brown-haired man wonders.

-"Haho! What do you ..."- Ellie laughs.

-"Help, Elvis and Audrey are tangled in the hose!"- they reply. Arnold and Ellie are also in a hurry to help them. They will be released in an instant.

-"It worked!" -Sam says. The team looks at each other. Elvis stands up and extends his hand to Audrey.

-"Thank you Elvis!"

-"Uhmm Audrey I'm sorry!" -Elvis mourns.

-"It's okay!" -Audrey smiles.

-"You know ...."-Penny says- "this is a memorable first day of work for you!"- Audrey and Elvis blush. And the firefighters start laughing!

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