Giraffe on the run

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The next day starts off really good. No cloud, no wind, just the beautiful sunrise. Meteorologists have said good times today. Today, Elvis and Audrey are inside with Fire Chief Steele. Elvis still has 12 hours off the shift, and Audrey is now starting her 24-hour shift. At 6pm, Ellie comes for another 12-hour shift. Well as the switch took place the two firefighters go upstairs. Today there is no inspection, no practice, just cleaning up.

-"Let's clean it up quickly and they could make lunch afterwards!"- Audrey says, reaching for the mop.

-"Okay." Elvis nods and he takes a mop. They start cleaning in the living room, ie in the living room.

-"So, was there an interesting alarm yesterday?"

-"You can't belive it, no! There was no alarm at all! Maybe the city is starting to recover! "- laughs the man with half his hair.

-"Attention firefighters! Alarm! To the park! They saw a giraffe! I'm not notifying Lizzie yet to see if it's a false alarm! "-says my announcer Steele.

-"Are you sure, Elvis? -"she gives a questioning look to her colleague

-"Weeel, maybe not." -Elvis gets to the back of his neck. They both lay down the mop and slide down the pillar. Because they were called to an animal rescue, they put on their animal rescue clothes. They press the button that pulls up the blinds.

-"Audrey! We're taking Phoenix! "- Elvis gets behind the wheel. She sits next to the blonde girl and turns on the siren. They roll out of the station and head for the park.

After a short time, they arrive and see reality in amazement. The animal is even farther away from them, so the sirens are quickly turned off. A giraffe is standing in front of them. A real giraffe!

-"Uhm! Sir! You can call Lizzie ..... and the others. " -the new firefighter says in disbelief.

-"Don't worry Audrey, it's just Pontypandy!"

-"Jesus! It's really a giraffe! "- Audrey said from the rescue vehicle.

-"Come back! It's a beast!"

-"But it must have seen a man! Hey, it escaped from the zoo!"

-"But it's still dangerous!" Elvis said.

-"Listen, the point is to reassure you!"- Audrey looks around, then bends down and tears off the grass. Come here, giraffe! "Swings in front of the plant. The animal notices it and sets off.

-"No longer Audre! Don't have fun! "your black-haired colleague said.

-"Oooooh, but sweet!" -Meanwhile, the rest of the team also arrives with Jupiter and Mercury. They get far farther with the vehicles and then get off in shock.

-"Giraffe Camelopardalis! "- wonder  Arnold.

-"Yeah, a giraffe!"- Ellie gets to her head.

-"Uhm, Sam?"- Penny addresses her colleague by her side.

-"Yes Penny, this is a giraffe ..."- the man stares at the huge animal that befriends Audrey.

-"When I think this city can't surprise me, he always manages to come up with another surprise."- the brown-haired man moves closer.

-"And does anyone have an idea how to catch a giraffe and take it back to the zoo?" - Audrey asks as she gives the giraffe even more grass. Firefighters shake their heads.

-"Lizzie will be here soon, I'll look into where she escaped!"- Sam says.

-"The nearest zoo is in Newtown." - Elvis steps next to him.

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