Mysterious hero

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-"Elvis watch out! Don't fall for ........"-  Penny call out , but it's too late as Elvis slips on the newspapers lying on the floor and BUMM - "...... in magazines!"- the blonde woman with the sentence. Everyone laughs softly.

-"Feel free to laugh! I know I'm not always the smartest!" -Elvis says and everyone starts laughing with him. There is a firefighting competition on the front pages of the magazines. It will be held in Newtown in three months. Everyone is excited, but they are also scared because they don't have the whole team.

-"But are you okay with Elvis?"- Sam asks, helping Arnold get up.

-"Of course, only my pride was hurt."- says the black-haired firefighter.

-"What wasn't there can't be hurt!"- Ellie says calmly.

-"At least you're not poking me now!"- Arnold puts his hands on his hips.

-"Calm down "Einstein",  I'll take some time to poke you!"- the brown-haired woman clasps her hands.

-"I think we went back to "kindergarten"."- Sam slaps his forehead.

-"Yes! We're camping in Newtown!!"- the kids in Pontypandy shout happily as they get off the bus. If all goes well, they will get the "Camp Life" badge today. The bottom line is that they need to camp a little further away from their own city.

-"Let's set up the tent, set up a campfire and cook the soup!"- Moose tells the kids and then everyone starts unpacking.

-"Sarah and James, wash the vegetables! Mandy, you bring water! Hannah, Lily, and Mrs. Chen, spread the table by then! I'll start setting up the tent by then." -Trevor says as he drops the baskets. He places a campfire in the designated place and lights it.

-"And what do I do?" -Norman sighs.

-"You ..... watch out for the fire!"-says the bus driver, confused as he doesn't want Norman to cause trouble. Again. Slowly everyone goes about their business but Norman finds it too boring and already very hungry.

-"What if I set an even bigger fire and the soup would cook faster!"-the red-haired boy thinks. Collect a few twigs and carefully put them on the fire. Norman then heads for the bus, but a fire erupts into large flames and ignites the bushes and trees and then begins to spread. Yes, yes, this is Norman Price. It can ignite anything, but it's weird. He didn't put enough branches on it to make it happen. But now it doesn't matter how it happened, since there is a fire. Trevor comes back running.

-"We call FiremanSam!"- cries the boy with glasses, backing away from the fire.

-"No Norman, we have to call the Newtown Fire Department!" -Trevor tells him as he rushes to find everyone.

Someone is leaving one of the houses. She walks fast on Newton's main street, then glances at her watch.

-"I still have time to get to the Fire Academy!" -she says and continues with a smile on her face. She's wearing the academy uniform.

Station Officer Steele comes down the stairs to the team, who are checking Jupiter's equipment.

-"Chief Fire Officer Boyce is going to surprise us next week." - the commander communicates curiously, then goes back to his office. Everyone is starting to guess. Is it some new equipment, practice .... but then the bell rings.

-"There's a fire in Newton and the firefighters there can't handle the fire! And our scouts are camping there! I'll let Tom know!" Steele says on the loudspeaker. Firefighters gather all their gear and set off siren. That's weird. There is a fire in Newtown and they are needed.

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now