Get ready!

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It's been a few months. There was training and practice every week, of course they also went to alarms during this time, but what the firefighters coped with. Penny didn't have any major problems, she was given a few days off, and whenever Sam could, she visited the woman.

-"I can't believe it! The race will be tomorrow!"- rejoices Penny.- "But wait! If we're not good enough? Then ...." she changed from happiness to sadness. The entire team is in the fire department kitchen.

-"And you'll start again!"- Ellie says in a worried voice. Audrey and Elvis will look at each other, along with Samra, who is approaching Penny.

-"Penny! Stop! There's nothing wrong!"

-"But if ..." -Penny begins.

-"I know you were worn out by accidents, but you can do everything, you don't have to be afraid! We're all here!" -Sam smiles at him. The blonde firefighter smiles.

-"Firefighters!"- Station Officer Steele comes up the stairs. -"Today me and two firefighters are going to Newtown to see the competition venue! choose them!" Arnold, ellie, elvis and audrey will look at each other, exhibit at the same time

-"Penny and Sam!"

-"All right! Get ready! We're leaving someday!"- Steele informs them, then leaves. Everyone is in complete silence.

-"Well. -" Elvis dissolves the silence. - "I'm making tea now!"- Until then, the others sit down at the large, round, wooden table.

At the scheduled time, Steele and his two firefighters will leave for Newtown. Trevor offered to take them. Only today can they see the venue for the competition. In previous months, the tracks had been prepared.

Meanwhile, the other firefighters are on duty at the fire department. Ellie drew the idea to activate, the others went in.

-"We've arrived.- " Trevor says. - "I'm waiting for you in the parking lot here!"

-"All right. Thank you!" -Steele says.

-"All right sir!"- they answer, and Station Officer Steele leaves.

-"Peeeeny!!" they hears from behind.

-"Loriiiiii! I haven't seen you in a long time!" -Penny turns. - "Ooo Lori. He's my colleague here! Sam Jones!" - she continues. - "Sam, this is my academic girlfriend. Lori Taylor."

-"I'm glad!" - Sam held out his hand. Lori is as tall as Penny in height. She has green eyes and black, shoulder-length hair that is now tied together.

-"Me too." - and they shake hands.  "I saw you on TV! You're famous! There's really always fire on a nail stick? I mean, the townspeople often cause fire? I've seen the movie about you! And what's it like to be a firefighter there?" - She continues. She sees Penny and Sam just staring. -"I'm sorry! I'm talking a lot. I'm asking a lot!" Lori laughs.

-"It's okay! You're perfect like that!"- Penny laughs and hugs his girlfriend.

-"Here's Max, too,"-  she whispers.

-"What?" Penny is surprised. - "But I don't care anymore!"

-"I understand," the black-haired woman looks at Sam.

-"Lori! He's not my .... you know she can't," the blonde woman replies with a slightly stronger emphasis.

-"Um Penny! We should go! Feel free to come with us, Lori," Sam says.

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now