Sudden disappearance

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A group of kids head to the yellow house on the edge of Pontypandy. They ring the Flood house and Helen opens the door.

-"Good afternoon Helen! Hi Mandy!"- says Sarah, James, Norman and Derek.

-"Hi kids!"-Helen smiles.

-"Hi!"- Mandy comes down the stairs.- "Come on!" -call them. The children follow Mandy to his room.

-"What do we do?"- Mandy closes the door to her room. then everyone sits down.

-"Board game?"- James asks.

-"Shall we talk?"- Sarah asks.

-"Ooo ooo! We're playing circus!" - Norman stood up and jumped up quickly.

-"Noo!!!"-everyone is frightened and their palms are held toward the redhead boy.

-"No Norman!" - Derek protests- "Let's hide!"

-"For me is good! " Mandy says as everyone nods in agreement.

-"Woooow Mandy. What happened to your lava lamp?" - Sarah asks, pointing to the pink object on Mandy's desk.

-"It's broken, but Dad fixed it." -the brown-haired girl explains.

-"What went wrong with it?"- James took a worried look.

-"Do you remember when I took care Norris guinea pig?" -Mandy says.

-"Yeah!"- the twins nod.

-"Well, he chewed the cable."- she shows the damaged cord, which Mike has already repaired.

-"But if your dad did it, we can turn it on, right?"- Norman squeaks.

-"Uhm ... yes, after all."- Mandy replies, plugging the lava lamp into the electro, and it's bright.

-"So back, I'm the king of the hideout!"- Norman boasts.

-"Yeah, like other time!"- Mandy crosses her arms.

-"When!?"- Norman asks sarcastically.

-"For example, when we hid in the fort and you became a fire because of you. Or when you hid in the practice tower and had to be rescued!" -Mandy concludes.

-"Well now I promise there will be nothing!" - Norman holds up his hand.

-"Okay ... I'm counting downstairs!" Mandy turns away. 1..2..3 ..

-"Gotcha Sarah! And James, you too!"- Mandy said in the living room. Sarah comes out of the curtain. And James from behind the kitchen counter.- "Then let's find the others!" Mandy turns. "-" Wait .... do you feel it? It's a fire! "

-"Good morning everyone!"- Sam enters the station kitchen. The others are sitting at the round table.

-"Good morning!"- the team says.

-"Sam? So what do we do today? "- Elvis asks.

-"Today we divide into teams and go to check the smoke alarm in the houses."

-"Huh it sounds good!"- Audrey looks up at the firefighter.

-"Yeah. So Penny and Arnold! You go with Venus. Ellie and Audrey! You go with Phoenix. Elvis and I are taking Jupiter."

-"Roger that, Sam!"- the firefighters answer.

-"Then let's divide who goes where!" -Sam suggests. Venus, quay and surroundings. Phoenix, their fire department from Dilys store. Exterior of Jupiter Pontypandy.

Fireman Sam: The firefighter competitionWhere stories live. Discover now