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I walked out of David's office, feeling bummed about the whole situation. If nobody could solve that riddle in time, then we were all fucked. The thought of Haydn actually getting what he wanted sickened me. The thought pissed me off. Moreover, it scared the shit out of me. If he did get what he wanted, then it wasn't just me who would get hurt- it was everyone else. My friends. My family. Heck, it would probably be the downfall of the world as we knew it, and that could never be a good thing with Haydn sitting at the head of the table.

The light had told me that at the right time, the darkness would be found- but when was that? How could there possibly be a right time for Haydn to possess the darkness? Surely the right time would be at no time at all. It would be never. But I got the feeling that that wasn't a possibility. That the light was telling me Haydn would find the darkness at some point, whether I liked it or not, and it was just something I'd have to deal with.


I heard my name being whispered, although it wasn't nearby. In fact, I had to question whether I'd heard it at all. Did I imagine it? Was I just stressed? I peered down the corridor behind me, but there was no one else here.

Just me.

I continued walking towards the exit, but was stopped short when an incredible wave of nausea and dizziness overcame me, followed by the darkness. I didn't actually throw up, but for a second, I thought I might have. If it wasn't for the sudden materialisation of the darkness, I probably would have.

What was going on?

I had to lean on the wall of the corridor for support, worried that I might fall over, and when I looked at my hand, it was shrouded in the smoky, black mist.

"Fuck." I muttered, thinking that if anyone were to come out of their office right now and see me, they'd be in for a shock. Not only that, but I had no idea if the darkness was about to take over right now. Who knew what it would do? What I would do?

The corners of my vision were beginning to darken, but I didn't miss the door ahead of me opening. A blonde head of hair came through, and I sighed with relief as Irina came running over.

"Millie, what is it?" She asked, unsure. "David!" She called, and two moments later, David was also here.

I was out of breath for some reason. Like it was taking every ounce of my strength to even stand here.

Millie... I heard the voice again, louder this time, and realised that it was Haydn.

"What?" I asked out loud, not even sure if he could hear me.

I need you, he said.

I shook my head.

Come to me.

"No." I said, before trying to reach out to Ronan.

"Millie, what are you saying?" David asked. "What's going on?"

I looked up at David and Irina then, through blurred vision. "Haydn wants me." I said. "He needs me."

"Millie, you need to breathe." I heard Ronan say, not realising he'd turned up. I felt a firm hand rest on my back, and another under my arm to keep me on my feet. The other hand was still on the wall.

"I can't." I stammered, before feeling it. The darkness was there, but there was something else. Like someone were pulling me in all directions.

Come to me, Haydn said again.

He was using the darkness to take me to him.

"I need you." I said, but it wasn't me talking. It reminded me of the dream I'd had, when I'd seen the darkness for the first time since destroying Haydn. My lips moved. My voice came out, if not a bit echoey and strange. But it wasn't me.

"Oh, fuck off!" I cried.

Well, that was me.

"Millie?" I heard Ronan said.

"Not you, idiot." I said, rather light heartedly despite everything. "Him. Haydn. He's trying to pull me to him."

"You need to resist it." Irina said. "You must stay with us."

I shook my head again. "I don't know if I can."

At that moment, the pulling sensation intensified, and it hurt. It sent waves of pain through my whole body, and I had to clench my teeth together to stop myself from screaming. I tried to think about my other elements- about the ice. I tried calling to them, but they were all so distant. All I could feel was the darkness, and it was pissing me off. It was making me angry that I couldn't fight it, which of course only made things worse.

"You can't fight it." I said, once again being unable to control my lips. I even felt myself smile. "Stop resisting, and the pain will end. Stop resisting, and no one will get hurt."

"No!" I then yelled, just as I completely lost control. My hand moved where I didn't want it to, wrapping itself around Irina's throat. With my other hand, I shoved David away, knocking him hard against the opposite wall. I felt a pair of hands- probably Ronan's- grab my shoulders, before a burst of darkness fired him away.

"Millie, stop!" Irina struggled against my grip, as tears flowed freely down my cheeks.

I had to give up. Haydn was going to kill everyone here if I didn't, using my body as a tool. I'd never be able to forgive myself, and he knew that.

"I'm sorry." I managed to whisper, before I let the darkness take me.

Everything went black.


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