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We landed in a large hall, with dark wooden flooring, high ceilings and huge, arched windows.

"Woah." I said under my breath. Decorating one wall was like a mega version of what I'd seen at the Capital Base- it was completely covered in all kinds of weaponry. Swords, daggers, knives, guns, nun chucks- you name it. There were even several of those balls with spikes over them, that hung from chains.

"Awesome, right?" Tina said, clearly having seen this place before.

I just nodded.

"This way." Harry said- it was probably the most I'd heard him say, if I was being perfectly honest.

Tina and I both followed Harry out of the hall, through what looked to be a canteen, and then into a hallway.

"Your coordinator is behind those doors." He said, looking at me and pointing to the left. "And yours is further down." He looked at Tina. "They're both waiting for you."

"See you in a bit, Mills." Tina said, before following Harry further down the corridor. I looked up a the wooden door I was supposed to be entering, and then knocked.

"Come in!" A female voice called.

I went in, and was mildly surprised to see Penelope sat there behind a desk. Her platinum hair, as usual, was perfectly styled in a sharply cut bob. The office we were in was nothing like the one in the Shard where we'd first met. Here, the furniture looked older, all made of dark, heavy wood, and the space was way smaller. There was a single window behind the desk, but it was quite big- I could see what looked to be gardens outside, with lots of green space and tall trees. I hadn't seen the outside of this place, but judging from the layout, furnishings, and high ceilings, I gathered that we were in some kind of old manor house. Like perhaps it once belonged to a rich family.

"Ah, Millie." She smiled. "I'm glad you're finally here. There's a lot to be done. Please, take a seat."

I closed the door behind me, before taking a seat in front of Penelope's desk. She pulled out a large brown folder from her desk drawer, and placed it in front of me.

"In here, you will find everything you need to know regarding your new identity." She began. "There's a passport, ID card, bus pass, and bank card. You'll also find a lot of information and photographs regarding your undercover past- this includes family names, locations, etcetera. It also includes details on your school, your lessons and your timetable. You'll need to spend the rest of today memorising all of this. It's likely that you won't necessarily need to know everything, but one can never be too careful regarding something like this."

I nodded.

"You'll be transferred to the family house later today." She continued. "There, you will find new clothes and things like that. To be honest, because of your age and the nature of your mission, there won't be a lot of things that are different to you. You won't need to adopt a new personality or anything like that, because your character is already suited to be a student. You just have to go back a few years, I suppose." She chuckled. "Other than that, I don't think there's really anything to worry about. Your mission is to collect information, so I don't see how things could turn sour in any way, but you never know. When working in our department, one should always be prepared for the worst."

Once again, I nodded, before Penelope handed me a photo. It was of a young girl, with long, brown hair and blue eyes. Her face was decorated with a number of freckles, too.

"This is Amy Ravenspire." Penelope said. "She's just turned eighteen, and is doing her A-Levels. You will share two classes with her- if we put you in all the same classes, it may seem a little suspicious. Perhaps you can try and make friends with her on your first day, but obviously make it seem coincidental. Maybe you can make sure that she's the first person you bump into when you arrive."

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