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I walked through Greenwich towards the university- it was sunny, but the weather was just beginning to cool after the recent heatwave.

Lots of students were walking about, immersed in their own conversations whilst clutching folders and big books. I thought back to my first year of university, before all the Argent Eye stuff hit. Before my entire world was turned upside down.

It seemed strange to think there was a time when I didn't know anything about the supernatural world. That I didn't know Ronan, or that David had powers. All I had to think about was handing in my coursework on time and revising for my exams.

I reached the door to the university, and of course I'd forgotten about the fact that I couldn't go in without an ID. Last time I'd been caught red handed, and it was only by chance that Irina had been passing and was able to assure the security guy that I wasn't a problem.

Of course, I could easily get to David's office if there was nobody in the building...

I walked round to the back of the building so that I was out of sight of anyone, and focused purely on the electricity inside. I had to close my eyes- it made it easier to visualise the currents, and it almost felt like I were travelling through the wires and electrical systems myself.

It was a very strange feeling.

I finally located what I was looking for- a fire alarm. Perhaps it was a bit dramatic, but how else was I supposed to get up there undetected? I'd definitely ask David for some alternate solutions when I saw him- perhaps he could get me some kind of ID made.

I tripped it, and was mildly satisfied when the alarm started blaring.

I peeked round the side of the building, and saw everyone walking out, including the security guards. I even saw the back of David and Irina's head, and chuckled to myself, feeling like a rebellious school child. Then, when nobody was looking, I ran into the building and up the stairs to David's office, before slumping onto the sofa.

About five minutes later, the alarm stopped and I could hear people starting to come back into the building, before the door opened.

But it wasn't David or Irina- it was Peter.

He seemed very surprised to see me, and I him.

"Oh, Millie." He chuckled, and then frowned. "What are you doing here?" He paused. "In fact, how did you get up here?"

I went to open my mouth to explain, but then Peter held a hand up.

"On second thoughts, I don't wanna know." He chuckled. "How have you been?"

I smiled. "Good, thanks." I said. "And yourself?"

"Not too bad, thank you." He said, just as David walked in behind him.

"Oh, hi Peter." He said, and then saw me. He frowned. "When did you get here?"

I smiled. "Just now."

He thought for a moment. "You had nothing to do with the fire alarm going off just now, did you?"

"You know it's an offence to set a fire alarm off without a good reason." Peter said, not looking too happy.

"How could I have set it off?" I said innocently. "I wasn't even in the building."

David and Peter shook their heads, before turning to each other.

"I was on my way to give you these." Peter said, handing a pile of papers to David. "They need marking."

I could see David didn't look too impressed by this. "Great." He said sarcastically.

Peter smiled. "Thanks, David." He said, and then left.

David walked into the office and practically threw the papers down onto his desk. "Fucking first year essays." He muttered.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing." David said quickly, and turned with a big grin on his face. "Anyway, what can I do for you?"

I shrugged. "I guess I just came to say hi, and fill you in on my recent life events."

"Do I need to take a seat?" He asked.

I nodded. "I think so." I said. "Is Irina about?"

"She should be in her office." David said.

I nodded and walked out of David's office to go to Irina's, before knocking on the door and poking my head round. She was sat at her desk, and looked up when I opened the door.

"Oh, hey Millie." She smiled.

"Hey." I smiled. "If you've got a minute, I have stuff to tell you and David."

"Sure." She said. "Give me five minutes and I'll be with you."

I grinned. "Thank you." I said, before closing the door and going back to David.

I was glad he'd made three cups of tea by the time I got back, and so I took one gratefully. "Thanks." I said, and sat on the sofa. "She said she'll be five minutes."

David nodded.

When Irina turned up, I filled her and David in on all that had been happening recently, emphasising on the part with the man and my dream.

David rubbed his chin, and I could see Irina was thinking about what I'd just said to her.

"You know what the most obvious yet impossible scenario is, right?" David asked.

I didn't really know what to say. I'd wondered whether Ronan had thought the same thing, but I was certain that Ronan wouldn't have said it because he didn't have nearly enough of the facts, and it would have stressed me out for no reason if it wasn't true. It had crossed my thoughts, though, if only briefly. I guess my brain didn't want to think that it could be a possibility, so it just ignored it altogether. Not to mention the fact that this man wore a face I'd never seen before.

I looked at Irina- she wasn't entirely sure what David was talking about, seeing as she hadn't been there at the time, but she looked equally concerned.

"But how can that even be a possibility?" I asked, trying to swing the answers in a completely different direction to where they were headed. I didn't want to think that it could be true, and I certainly didn't want David to say it. Once it was said out loud, that meant it was true. Or, at least, more true than it had been when it was in my head.

"I don't know." David said. "But think about it. You see the darkness in a dream, and for a moment, it's inside you. Next thing you know, you see a stranger who knows your name. But I don't think he's a stranger at all, and I think you know it, too. You've just been pushing the possibility to the back of your mind, because you don't want it to be true."

I rubbed my forehead with the palm of my hand, thinking that it might ease some of the tension there.

It didn't.

"I'm sorry, I'm completely lost." Irina said, looking between David and I. "Who are we talking about?"

I sucked in a breath, and looked at David. Neither of us wanted to say it, but we both knew it was something that needed to be said. David was right- I hadn't said who it could be because I didn't want it to be true.

Even though it doesn't make sense at the moment, everything points to one person, and one person alone.

"Haydn." I said, and sighed loudly.


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