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I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit sad about leaving St. Michael's, but of course I had to remind myself that I'd done my time at school. I felt a bit bad that I'd kind of used Amy, as well as Nora and Lena, but it was all part of the mission. It wasn't as if I'd hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that.

Amy, Nora and Lena seemed a little disappointed at the fact that I was 'returning to London', but I was certain they'd get over it sooner or later. After all, we'd only known each other just short of a week. I did, however, promise Amy that I'd continue with the art project in my free time, and keep in touch with her. I knew the SED would want the phone back that I'd used for my cover, and so I quickly copied Amy's number into my real phone. I didn't even think I was allowed to do it, but didn't care all that much. What harm could it do?

When we moved all our things out of the family house, Stark said I could have the Friday off to recover. I wasn't entirely sure what he was expecting me to recover from, but took it as more of a way to keep me away from whatever they were working on.

Still, I didn't want to argue about a day off. I was most probably just overthinking things- I had to keep reminding myself that this was work. It was serious, and I had to do as I was told.

I decided to get up and call Ronan first thing- it had been a few days since I'd seen him, and I knew he'd want to know what went on.

He appeared in my kitchen as I was making breakfast.

"You're back!" He exclaimed, perhaps slightly surprised.

I nodded. "Yeah. Stark said I could have the day off."

"So." He asked, leaning on the countertop. "How did it go?"

"It was pretty good." I said, and started telling Ronan about Amy and her powers, and how I was supposed to gather information about her. But that wasn't really what I wanted to talk to him about- it was the other part, where I was being left in the dark. I explained to him what happened, about the strange man, and how he knew me.

"That sounds... concerning." He said, frowning. "He knew who you were?"

I nodded. "And it wasn't like, he just recognised me from somewhere." I said. "It sounded deeper than that. The way he said it was like we were friends or something. He was surprised to see me, whoever he was."

Ronan scratched his head. "And then he disappeared?"

"Yeah." I said. "But not Dreamwalker style. This dude was definitely not a Dreamwalker."

I poured Ronan and I a cup of tea, before we went to sit on the sofa.

"You haven't had anymore strange dreams, have you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nope." I said, and then frowned. "Do you think this guy is connected to it all?"

Ronan shrugged. "No idea." He said. "But we can't rule it out."

"Why do you think the SED are keeping it from me?" I asked.

He shrugged again, opened his mouth like he were about to say something, and then stopped. "I can only assume they're doing it for your own protection." He then said.

I sighed, and rolled my eyes. "Ugh." I said. "I hate it when people say that."

He chuckled. "Sorry- even if it's not actually protecting you, they seem to think it is. It's the thought that counts."

I smiled. "Yeah, right." I said. "Anyway, I'm thinking about going to see David and Irina today- it's been a while."

My phone dinged in my pocket then, and I looked to see a message from Jake- he'd been my house mate for the last three years whilst I was at university, and knew the ins and outs of my Argent journey.

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