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We exited out an old looking fire door from the SIS building, and into an underground car park. Waiting there was a black SUV car, and so Tina and I hopped into the back before the driver started the journey to Camden.

"Don't you just get Dreamwalkers to take you around?" I asked.

Tina shrugged. "Depends. If you need to get somewhere quickly or in an emergency, the Dreamwalkers are there. If not, they prefer not to be disturbed. Usually they're quite busy, anyway."

"Fair enough." I said.

The car was filled with a moment of silence, before I plucked up the courage to ask what was on my mind.

"So, you're not allergic to sunlight?" I asked. It was a sunny day, and I was almost certain that we would be going outside to complete our mission.

Tina chuckled. "No, that's total bullshit." She said.

"But you drink blood?"

She nodded. "Yep." She said.

"And you're immortal?"


I paused. "Can you, like, run really fast?"


I smiled. "Sorry, you must get asked this a lot."

"I don't mind." She said. "It's part of your job to ask questions about supernaturals, so you know who you could be up against. Vampires are extremely fast and strong, they drink blood to stay immortal and strong, and sometimes, a vampire can have a gift."

"A gift?" I asked.

She looked at me. "You know, like a super power, I guess."

"Oh." I said.

"Sometimes they can hypnotise, too, but only the most powerful vampires can do that. And usually they can only do it to humans, so don't worry." Tina assured me.

I nodded. "Okay." I said. "So, what about werewolves? What should I be expecting today?"

"Werewolves are strong, but not as strong as vampires." She smiled. "They can shift into their wolf form at will, but have no control of it during the full moon, unless they're an alpha or just very powerful and experienced."

"Is their wolf form like a full wolf, or a weird hybrid thing?"

Tina chuckled. "Full wolf. And probably twice the size of your average wolf, so don't underestimate them. They can be very dangerous in their full wolf form." She paused. "But I don't think we need to worry too much about that today. These guys sound like a bunch of rebellious teenagers."

"Okay." I said, sure that I was beginning to get the picture. They didn't sound too different from the kind of wolves you see in the movies.

"Just so you know what's expected of you today." Tina began. "These wolves aren't going to listen to us until we assert our own authority to them. That's like, a wolf thing. It's how alphas get their power- they fight their way to the top. In fact, they will probably laugh when we tell them what to do."

I nodded. "So, expect some fighting?"

"Absolutely." Tina said, but she seemed excited about it. I had to say, I was kind of excited, too, but that was probably only because it was my first mission. I wondered if werewolves and vampires had that strange conflict like they did in the movies- Tina was certainly making it out to be like that, but that could have just been Tina.

"How old are you?" I asked. Tina looked like she might be in her mid twenties, and acted like an eighteen year old, but with her being an immortal vampire, it was likely that she was older.

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