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We stayed sitting in the garden, on the grass, in the sun. The air was becoming a bit chilly, but it seemed that neither of us minded it, especially with the sun casting its warm rays down on us. I explained to Stella and Ronan what had happened in my strange vision. That I couldn't have the light when I had all this darkness running through my system, and because Haydn wouldn't allow it. That I still didn't know where to find the darkness, meaning Haydn could potentially snap it up at any given moment.

It was just one viscous cycle. The only way to defeat Haydn seemed to be to get to the light, but I wouldn't be able to get the light because of the darkness that Haydn put there. All I have to go on is some stupid riddle, which Stella had got me to write down on a piece of paper in case I should forget it- good thinking, really.

I decided to say it out loud one more time, holding the paper in my hand.

"The connection you share is one life cannot spare, So to break the unbreakable, one must become the untraceable. To become the untraceable one must do the unthinkable, And only then can one rise, with the light in their eyes, and the connection will surely be severed."

Ronan and Stella seemed to repeat it in their heads for a moment.

"So let's break it down." Ronan suggested. "The connection you share- that's obviously the one between you and Haydn."

Stella and I both nodded.

"Is one life cannot spare..." Ronan thought out loud. "So, you aren't able to give it up? You can't let it go?"

I frowned. "But this riddle is supposed to be the answer." I said. "It's supposed to be telling me how to get rid of it, not that I can't get rid of it." I paused. "Right?"

Ronan shrugged. "I mean, you'd think so." He said. "So to break the unbreakable, you must become the untraceable. Well, surely that's the bit that says the bond can be broken?"

"Which totally contradicts the first part." Stella said, trying to figure it all out.

"Exactly." Ronan muttered.

I groaned, feeling rather frustrated, and quickly stood up before throwing the piece of paper onto the floor. I then walked away, annoyed. Angry. Irritated. Why couldn't the light just fucking tell me? Didn't it want to help?

"How does one become the untraceable?" I heard Ronan say, but I was still walking away, into the woods at the back of Stella's garden. It was quieter in here, away from reality.

I peered up at the trees. At the sun rays shining through. The occasional bird flying from branch to branch, singing its song. I closed my eyes, standing in a warm patch of sun. The smell of earth filled my nose, and the sounds of the woods became more defined. Louder.

It really was beautiful here. You could almost forget all the issues with Haydn.


I opened my eyes again, only to find that I was no longer standing on the floor of the woods, but was floating about ten feet above it. I'd fused with the air again, and it felt nice. It was relaxing. I let myself go higher, and then sat down on a branch.

The view was incredible. Looking out over the rolling hills of the countryside and seeing the tops of the trees was a view I didn't think I'd ever get to see- it was really high up. If I fell, I'd die for sure.

"Millie?" I heard, and looked down to see Ronan and Stella walking along the dirt path I'd been standing on.

I sighed. I didn't want to go back down. Down there, everything was real. Everything was wrong. At least up here, all I had to worry about was not falling off this branch.

But, I couldn't let everyone else take the brunt of all my problems.

I made sure that I'd fused with the air again before letting myself fall from the branch. As hilarious as it would be to just fall off a tree to my untimely death, I didn't want Ronan and Stella to be dealing with that. I floated back down, and then unfused with the air so that I was back to my physical self, just a few metres in front of them.

"Oh, there you are." Ronan said. "Did you just fuse with the air again?"

I nodded.

Stella gasped.

"What is it?" Ronan asked.

She seemed to be thinking about whatever it was for a moment longer.

"I mean, it might not be right." She said, and then frowned. "Actually, it doesn't really make any sense."

"What doesn't?" I asked.

"Well, the riddle." She said. "You must become the untraceable. Could that be fusing with the air?"

I thought about it. I mean, it made sense. When I was fused with the air, nobody knew where I was. Nobody could see me.

"Why doesn't it make sense?" Ronan asked.

Stella was still frowning. "Well, you'd be untraceable." She said. "But I don't see how it could break the unbreakable. I mean, you've already fused a couple of times and you're still connected."

My heart sank. "True." I said. "But how else does one become untraceable?"

Both Ronan and Stella shrugged.

"They must do the unthinkable." I repeated the riddle out loud.

"I hardly think fusing with the air is doing the unthinkable." Stella chuckled, and she was right.

I laughed. "Yeah, I don't think so." I said, and then sighed. "There goes that idea."

My phone buzzed in my pocket then, and I realised it was my mum texting me. I also realised what the time was.

"Oh, I should probably head back." I said. "Mum's wondering where I'm at."

Stella nodded. "Okay, sure." She said.

"I'll help you clear up before I go." I said, remembering the mess I'd left in Stella's living room when Haydn and I had fought.

"You don't need to do that." She said.

I smiled. "Yes, I do." I said, and so we set about cleaning up the broken furniture and glass, before I headed back home.


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