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- Millie's P.O.V. -

The light was right there, next to where the darkness had been not too long ago. It was smaller than before, but still there. Haydn had walked away, leaving nothing for me but a threat to my parents.

My instincts were screaming at me. I had to get back to everyone. I had to get up and fight. But, I had to remind myself that in order to do that, I must first give in to the weights pulling me down.

And so I closed my eyes, feeling the full weight of death, and thought about the light as I did. I tried to stay calm, and think about how it felt to have the light running through my veins, ignoring what Haydn had just said about my parents.

Ronan's face then popped into my thoughts, and I smiled. He was smiling, too.

"I love you, Millie." He said.

I reached out and took his hands, standing in the white space. "I love you, too." I said, and as I said the words, I realised how true they were.


I turned at the sound of the voice, and noticed the light was there. When I looked back, Ronan was gone, but I knew I'd see him soon.

At least, I hoped I would.

I walked towards the orb of light, and smiled.

Hello again, young Argent, it said.

"Hello." I said.

You being here can only mean one thing- you shall rise with the light in your eyes, and we will be united, young one.

I frowned. "Quick question." I said, holding a finger up. "If- and that's a big if- I were to defeat Haydn, how do I know that he won't just come back in a couple of years time?"

You destroyed Haydn's body before, leaving his consciousness intact. This time, only his consciousness is really here. You destroy his consciousness, and you will end him for eternity.

"And you're sure there are no loop holes?" I asked. "That there's absolutely nothing he can do to come back?"

There is nothing he can do, the light confirmed.

"What if I can't do it?" I sighed. "He's powerful."

The light laughed. As are you, young Argent. You hold the power of all the elements, plus the light. You must prevail, or all will be lost. Even when things are looking impossible, you must keep going. Have faith in those you hold dearest.

I just looked at the light for a moment, and then thought about everyone back at home. Everyone out there fighting Haydn right now.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Tina standing there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, surprised at first. Tina was smiling, but then she pursed her lips, and I realised that there was only one way she could be here. "No." I whispered quietly. "No, you can't be."

Tina nodded solemnly. "Sorry, Mills." She said. "You're gonna have to stick this one out without me."

I could feel tears start to accumulate in my eyes. "No, no, no, I can't!" I exclaimed. "Did he do this?"

"Yeah." She said, and shrugged. "Snapped my neck."

I looked at the light, and then at her. "When I get the light, I can heal you." I said. "Just wait, and you'll be up and awake in no time-"

Tina put both hands on my shoulders, and looked at me. "If I were human, or even any other supernatural, then I'd say yeah, that's possible." She said. "But I'm a vampire. The undead. I have no soul. I don't think you can bring me back without one of those, Mills."

"But..." I began, but didn't have anything to say.

"You need to go." She said. "The others need your help."

I just looked at her for a few moments longer, before hugging her hard. "You've been amazing, you know that?" I said. "Best fucking mentor ever. In fact, you've been more than a mentor, but an incredible friend, too."

I could feel her smiling. "Thanks, Mills. You have, too. We'll see each other again one day."

We pulled away from the hug and I nodded, wiping the tears from my face. "I know we will." I said.

"Good luck." She said. "You never know- if all goes to shit, I'll be seeing you all in no time."

I laughed at that, but she wasn't wrong. "Yeah, that's very true."

"Do me a favour, though?" She said.

"Anything." I said.

"Kick that Haydn dude right where it hurts." She said.

I smiled. "I'll do my very best."

"Oh, and tell Stark that I appreciate everything he did for me." She said. "He'll know what I'm on about."

I sighed. "I wish you could have told him that yourself."

She just pursed her lips, and shrugged. "I guess we can't always get what we want."

"I guess not." I said.

She saw me standing there again, and motioned towards the light. "Go." She said. "Before it's too late."

I swallowed, and nodded, before turning back to the light.

There it was. This is what I'd spent the last few months trying to get, and here it was.

But at what cost?

I turned back to Tina, but she was gone. Probably with Adam somewhere doing something incredible in that amazing place.

I realised, with a thought, that I could quite easily join them if I wanted.

But that was totally out of the question. Not only did I have to get back to the others, but my Nan would be fuming.

There was no time for hesitating, and so I nodded to myself, and walked into the light.


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