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I was apprehensive about going to work the next morning- I knew that Stark was going to tell me everything they knew about Haydn and how he was back. Although, it might even be that they didn't know that much. Maybe I knew more than they did. I guess I'd had a unique insight into the darkness and how it was working at the moment, which was something, but Tina had spent the last week investigating what was going on.

Surely she'd found something?

I ended up leaving early, finding it impossible to wait around for a moment longer, and as soon as I arrived, I headed to Stark's office.

"Come in!" He called when I knocked.

I walked in.

"Ah, Millie." He began. "We have a meeting due to start in about ten minutes- everyone who was involved in the mission will be there. It will give everyone a chance to understand what has been discovered so far, and to discuss what to do next. I think it would be wise, for yourself and everyone else, that you attend as well."

I nodded. "Okay, sure." I said. "Thank you, sir."

"I'll see you there." He said, before I nodded and left.

I bumped into Tina outside. "Oh, hey Mills." She said, although she was lacking her usual enthusiasm. In fact, everyone seemed to be. Like all the recent events had put everyone on edge. There was a dark cloud looming over the organisation, and everyone was aware of it.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Did Stark just invite you to the meeting?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Good." She said. "I kept telling him that we should tell you what's going on, but he wasn't having it."

I chuckled. "Don't worry." I said. "It wasn't your fault. And I'm sure that he genuinely thought it was for the best."

Tina nodded. "Stark tries to do right by everyone. Usually, he makes the right decisions, but on the odd occasion, he makes a mistake."

I smiled, before Tina led me to the room where the meeting was to be held. It was a little larger than some of the other prep rooms I'd been in, a bit like a miniature lecture theatre with enough seats for an small audience, and a big pull-down screen at the front. A few people were already seated when we got there, and they looked up when Tina and I walked in.

Like they knew.

I ignored their stares, and sat at the front with Tina- I had my suspicions that I would have to get up and talk at some point.

More people then started to flow into the room, and about five minutes later, Stark walked in with Penelope. The room was filled with people, and everyone stood up at their entrance.

"Please, sit down." Stark said, heading to the desk at the front with the computer on it. Penelope took a seat just a few spaces from me, and Stark took a moment or two to set up whatever presentation he'd prepared, before walking to the centre of the front. He stood there, with his hands behind his back.

"Thank you all for coming." He finally said. "I just want to begin by also thanking you all for your hard work over the last week or so- your findings have proved to be vital for this mission, and I know it's been stressful for everyone. You all know why you're here- everyone needs to be aware of what's going on. This meeting will give us an opportunity to piece together everything we know so far, and to then discuss plans for our next move."

Stark went over to the computer, clicked something, and then an image appeared on the screen. I recognised it from the other night, at the shipping yard. There was a blurred picture of a naked man standing there, with his back to us- it was the man who'd appeared out of the strange orb.

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