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I woke early to catch my train to Waterloo East, and then got on two other consecutive underground tube lines to the Vauxhall station, before walking the short distance to the SIS building. It was exciting to see the building in person- I'd only ever seen it on TV, either on the news or in the James Bond movies.

I walked round to the side of the building, as instructed by Stark, and then found the gate for employees to walk through. Of course, there was a hefty looking security guard standing there, dressed all in black and protective gear. I had no doubt that he would tackle me to the ground if anything seemed amiss with my approach, and despite the fact that I had elemental powers and could strike him down in a matter of moments, I felt a little nervous. I wondered whether I'd even arrived at the right place, or gone to the right door. Or that I'd got the days and time mixed up.

Still, I walked up to him. I smiled, although he didn't smile back.

"Um, I'm here to see Stark Henderson." I said- this is what Stark had told me to say when I arrived.

I could see that he recognised the name, by the slight lift of his chin, and I was relieved. "Can I see some ID please?" He asked.

I pulled my ID card out of my pocket, and showed it to him. He looked at it, then at me, and then back at the card. Then, he handed it back, and lifted his walkie talkie to his mouth- he did all this without breaking his gaze from me.

"I've got a Millie Robinson to see Stark Henderson, over." He said, and then waited a moment.

"Appointment confirmed." Another voice crackled on the other end.

The man motioned his head to the side, towards the door. "Wait inside- someone will come and collect you."

I nodded. "Thanks." I said, and then walked past the man and through the gates.

Of course, when I reached inside, I had to go through security before even reaching the main entrance. A man checked my ID again, before instructing me to take my bag off and place it in a tray to be x-rayed. I then had to step through a walk-through scanner, wait for confirmation to collect my bag again, and then let the man take me through to where I assumed I would be meeting Stark.

I was relieved when I saw him there- it was good to see a familiar face.

"Hi, Millie." He said, and shook my hand, smiling.

I smiled. "Hi." I said.

"So glad you could make it." He said, and we started walking towards an elevator. "I hope your journey wasn't too bad?"

"No, not at all." I said, and we stepped into the lift. "It was quite straight forward, actually."

"That's good to hear." He said. "So today, I'm just going to show you where you could potentially be working. I'll let you meet some people, too- I've arranged for you to have a meeting with one of our operational officers. Although, I'm hoping that if you are to join us, you will spend the majority of your time on the field. That, I won't be able to show you." He chuckled. "Not today, anyway."

I smiled, liking the sound of everything so far. The more he spoke, the more excited I became- although, I was a little nervous about this meeting. I mean, who was it with? If I didn't like them, then I knew it would put me off. Right now, I didn't want to be put off.

We stepped out of the elevator and walked through a corridor, before approaching a large, metal door. I didn't have to access the metal element to know that this door was strong. I knew it would take a lot of energy for me to break through. Perhaps even more so than when I had to break out of Doctor Geralds' lab.

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