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I slept soundlessly, only briefly hearing Jake leave the apartment before going back to sleep again. Eventually I woke up, and decided to make myself some brunch before my phone buzzed.

Girl, I need some retail therapy, and you're coming with.

The message was from Kate, and made me chuckle.

Okay fine- meet you at the station in an hour? I replied.

Sounds good. She said.

I realised I had a lot to catch Kate up on, and to ask her- especially seeing as she'd been the one to tell Jake where I lived without telling me. Perhaps shopping would be a good opportunity to offload and distract myself from the events that were going down.

I met Kate on the train platform, who was standing with Sunny.

"I invited Sunny, too." Kate said.

I smiled. "Oh, hey." I said, having not seen Sunny in a while- not since graduation, actually. "I didn't realise you were back in London?"

"What's up, Mills?" Sunny asked. "Yeah, just got here yesterday."

"Ah, fair enough." I said. "How have you been?"

"Good thanks." She smiled. "I hear you got a job?" She then lowered her voice and came a bit closer. "Like, not the usual kind?"

I laughed, and wondered what Kate had said to her- hopefully not too much. "I guess not." I said. "It's pretty secretive."

"I see, I see." Sunny said, her eyebrows going up and down, but she didn't question me anymore about it- I was glad she understood. "So you guys still, like, have super powers?"

Kate laughed. "I guess we do." She said.

"I still can't get over it." Sunny said, shaking her head. "Like, all that drama? Happening for real? People tryna take over the world? Complete madness."

I laughed. "I sometimes wish it was just madness."

"I mean, you nearly died!" She exclaimed, looking at both Kate and I. "Like, several times!"

Kate and I both continued to laugh, although she wasn't wrong.

I then turned to look at Kate. "Anyway, so Jake turned up at my apartment yesterday."

Kate smiled. "Oh, he found it okay, then?"

"He did." I said. "Can't think how he could have known where I lived."

Kate was obviously trying not to laugh, but it didn't work. "Okay it was me." She said. "But he said he wanted to surprise you!"

I chuckled. "I guess it was a surprised when he turned up with all his belongings."

Kate frowned then. "Wait, what? What do you mean?"

I also frowned. "Jake is staying at mine for a couple of weeks."

"Oh." Kate said, obviously not knowing about that bit. "He didn't tell me he was staying- only that he wanted to pay you a surprise visit."

I laughed, as did Sunny, who was hearing the situation for the first time.

"Ah, okay." I said. "I did think you would have told me if you knew Jake was gonna be staying for a long time."

She smiled. "I swear, I had no idea."

I just waved a hand. "Don't worry about it- it's nice to have him around, actually."

"That's good." She said, before the train pulled up and we hopped on and headed for Stratford.

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