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I came to, but couldn't focus on anything. It felt like my head was full of smoke. Or maybe my brain had turned to mush, and was just sloshing about up there. Aside from that was the obvious fact that my entire body felt like it was burning. Like I had some kind of liquid fire running through my veins, but obviously not my fire. It was way worse than when I'd had Doctor Geralds' unnatural fire coursing through my veins. This felt more like... poison. With teeth. Like a piranha, biting everything inside me as it swam through my blood.

Every now and then, my muscles seemed to cramp and spasm, and I'd have to clench my teeth together to stop myself from screaming. I tried accessing the ice to ease some of the pain, but the fog in my mind didn't seem to let me. Whatever effort my body made to reach it was useless against the demon flowing through me.

I managed to open my eyes a little, but couldn't make out a lot. It was quite bright, and I could just see the blurred figures of a couple of people standing there.

A cold hand landed on my forehead then. It felt nice against my scolding skin, and I wanted to ask who it was, but then my body went into another spasm.

That time I couldn't help but make a noise- it wasn't a scream, as such. Not quite, anyway. More like a strained yell. I sounded like a dying animal. I felt like one, too.

"Surely we can do something?" I heard a voice say.

"There's nothing more we can do." Someone else said. "Only wait for her blood to clear out the venom."

Venom? What even happened?

"And how long is that gonna take?"

"Could be minutes." I heard. "Could be hours."

The room went silent, as did I, save for my breathless panting. When my body wasn't cramping, the pain subsided to a dull ache, but then the next wave of pain would come twice as bad as the last. Each wave would leave me exhausted and out of breath.

"She won't turn, though?" Someone said.

Silence again. Turn? Into what?

Focus still wasn't coming. The only thing going through my brain was pain, pain, pain. I couldn't think of anything else.

Someone held onto my hand then- their skin was warm and soft. Who was that?

Another spasm shook my entire body then, and focused itself in my head.

I couldn't take it any longer.

Unconsciousness pulled me down.


I came to again, a strange feeling of calm washing over my body. I couldn't move, though. It was like every ounce of energy had been seeped from my bones, leaving nothing but a useless rag doll behind. My clothes were completely soaked through, sticking to my skin. It wasn't comfortable, but compared to what I last remembered, I wasn't going to complain.

I then felt a cold, tingling sensation at the centre of my chest. It was refreshing, and I could feel it slowly pricking over my skin, spreading outwards.

It was the ice. I hadn't consciously called it, but clearly it knew I needed it. Even with no energy left in my system, my body was somehow fusing.

The ice continued to crackle up my neck, across my arms and down my legs. I could feel my strength returning, second by second, until finally, my entire body had fused and I shot up, waking up from whatever calm state I'd been laying in.

The first thing I noticed was Ronan- he was sat next to my bed, his hand in mine. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Millie!" He exclaimed, and leapt up from the chair and hugged me.

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