Chapter Five: The Past

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I walked out of the elevators that lead to a massive office. The entire office was decorated immaculately and had such a cozy feel. Passing by, I looked to my right and seen a room containing two large, frosted office doors. Honestly, it was hard to look into the room. All I could see was shadows of furniture and figures moving. I assumed it was Mr. and Mrs. Moretti.

I took a seat to the chairs that were slightly placed across from the frosted doors. At first I heard light mumbling, then it got louder the closer the figures got to the door. The door handles swiftly turned downward. I shot right up out of my seat and out came.. "Mr. Moretti?" I said with my eyes widen.

It was Mateo Moretti, and waltzing in behind him was Nina DeLaRosè Cartier. Mateo looked at me and so did Nina. "Ah Ms. Salvatore. Join me in the board room," said Mateo. Nina had her eyes glued to me, but the expression on her face wasn't pleasant. She turned her focus toward Mateo and smiled. "Anyway darling, I'll see you later," she said as she leaned in for a kiss.

Mateo completely igrnored her and walked towards me. "Shall we?" he asked, welcoming me into the board room. I walked past Mateo and Nina. Nina rolled her eyes. "Mateo baby, remember your tux fitting at 10am tomorrow for the upcoming Charity Ball," she said waving behind her while leaving. Mateo walked into the board room and I sat there trying to keep calm.

He's so much more handsome in person. I clutched my resume portfolio on the table. He looked at me as he took a seat at the head chair on the far end of the table. He leaned back in his chair as he played with a pen between his fingers. "So Ms. Salvatore; tell me a little about yourself?" he asked.

"Mia-" I blurted. He looked up at me. "Mia," he repeated. I could feel my palms getting really clamy. "Well uh, I currently attend the Los Angeles Business Institution-" I started. "Let me stop you right there, Mia," said Mateo, cutting me off. "I know who you are," he continued. I swallowed heavily. "W-what do you mean by that Mr. Moretti?" I stuttered as I looked down at the table.

"Mateo," he insisted. "I know that you are the daughter of Luca Salvatore. Mafia Leader of LA," he said. My eyes shot up and my attention was now focused toward Mateo. "So what now? You're some FBI agent? You're going to report him or something?" I said, aggressively. Mateo got up out of his chair and walked over towards me. He leaned over on the table, beside me.

"Oh, no no. I would never do that to a fellow leader," he, said. "Wait, I'm sorry. Did you say "fellow" leader?" I asked."Sì. My family is from Campania, Italy," he said. I looked up at him. "You're the Campanian Mafia," I said. He smirked. "Or Camorra's, which ever you prefer," he suggested. "So, what's the reason you chose me? Is it because my father is the the mafia?" I asked. He walked around the table slowly, dragging the pen across the table. "Partially that, and because I've planning on trying to get your father to invest in one of the hotels," he admitted.

"So what does that have to do with me? I can't possibly convince him," I said. "That may be true, but let's see what happens. After all, you'll be doing your internship here at Moretti Towers," said Mateo, lifting his hands in admiration. "Wait, does that mean I get the position?" I asked. He smiled. "Indeed Mia," he said. Mateo walks toward me and stretched his hand out for a shake. I got up out of my chair and shook his hand.



"How was your internship interview sweetheart?" asked Mom. We all sat around the dinner table, eating. "It actually, went pretty well," I said smiling. "I start Monday," I continued. "Oh yeah figlia? Where are you starting your internship?" asked Dad, focused on cutting into his steak. "Oh, Moretti Towers," I said. Dad choked on his steak, Uncle Cardo dropped his silverware, Uncle Dante choked on his wine and Uncle Nico stopped halfway, pouring water into his glass. The rest of the crew members looked at my Dad and Carlos looked at everyone.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned. "Honey what is it?" asked Mom, touching Dad's shoulder. "We don't affiliate with the Camorra's," he said, in a stern voice. "You know about The Moretti Family?" I asked, surprised. Dad looked at me. "So you're telling me, you already know about them?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. My cheeks burned red with embarrassment. "N-not really. Just that they're the Campanian Mafia," I said as I fumbled with my words.

"The Moretti's and the Salvators had bad blood for years," said Cardo. "Long story short, my grandmother had history with Mr. Moretti's grandfather," said Dad. "What kind of history?" asked Carlos.

"Well, Franco Moretti kidnapped my grandmother, Cecilia Salvatore because he was obsessed with her. My grandmother was a kind hearted, down to earth person. Franco was an animal. He would abuse her mentally and physically. He said that he would kill her if she didn't love him back, " continued Dad. "Wow.. Mateo didn't tell me none of that," I said.

"And that's why I don't want you doing the internship for the Moretti's," said Dad. "What?! Why? Is it because of what they did to great grandma Cecilia?" I argued. "Partially that, and because I just don't trust the Moretti's. It's said to believe that when my grandmother died, Franco stole some of the inheritance she had," said Dad.

"So you're saying that because Mr. Moretti's father did those things to my great grandmother, I shouldn't do my internship at Moretti's Towers. Is that it? Yes Dad, I understand that happened so many years ago, but that was the past. Besides, you're only assuming that your grandma's inheritance was stolen by Franco, what if it wasn't Franco?" I argued.

"THE POINT IS, I just don't trust them," said Dad. "Honey, things are different now. Besides, it's just an internship. It's apart of Business school. Mia obviously knows about our family restaurant business already, I mean, she could learn the "family business", but you don't even want her to get involved. Plus the Moretti's have such a great reputation in the public's eye, just let her expand her interests and do the internship there," said Mom.

And just like that, Mom always has my back..

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