Chapter Twenty-Four: The Murderer

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"You fucking bastard. This is why you placed me at Moretti Towers. You knew what you were doing, and you knew all along! So what now? What's in it for you, you sick fuck?" I asked. Ryder's face turned red. He grabbed my left hand, firmly gripping onto my wrist. He gripped my middle and ring finger together, breaking them both. I screamed. The room went silent with the sound of gun shots in the distance. I screamed and called for help until Ryder punched me again. I felt dizzy.

"We need to relocate her to the other side of the tunnel, now," demanded Nina. Ryder picked me up while Nina unlocked both of the prisoner cuffs around my ankles. "What about the old hag?" asked Ryder. "Don't worry about that, you just move her into the other room. I'll be there in a moment," she said. We began moving and I could barely open my eyes.


In the distance we heard screaming. It  echoed softly, but it was still clear to hear. Dom and Ivan followed behind me. We took down each and every single gunmen that got in our way. "Hey look! There's a set of stairs," pointed out Dominic. We headed towards the stairs until we ended up in an eerie hallway with dim lights. It was nothing but concrete walls and steel doors with rusted bolts and locks.

"Let's split up," I suggested. The others agreed. I stealthily made my way to a few doors and slowly opened them. Empty. I opened another door and seen a few men with guns and my Mother on the ground with chains around her ankle. They pointed the guns in my direction as soon as I entered. Nina had a gun to my Mom's head. "Hello Mateo," she said, smiling. "Nina!? What the fuck is going on?" I asked. Ivan and Dom came in after and stopped dead in their tracks when they seen the amount of guns being pointed towards us.

"Shiiiiiit," said Dominic. "Bring me the Emerald Butterfly necklace. You've got 2 hours, otherwise I'll shoot her right here, right now," demanded Nina. "Now Nina, put the gun down, we can talk about this," I replied. In a distance we could hear screams, and from a female. "Who else is here Nina?" I asked, angrily. She smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know," she added.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled. "She who?" she laughed. "Don't fucking play dumb with me! Mia! Let her go!" I demanded. "She's going to be dead in a few. Why care for her?" she said. "Nina, she has nothing to do with this," I said. "She has everything to do with this! Ever since that little bitch started working at The Towers, your attention was all on her. Mateo baby, what happened to us?" she said.

I clenched my teeth as my jaw became tight. "There was and is no us Nina," I said aggressively. "Oh really? So all those times fucking in your office and at my place wasn't something?" she whined. "Gross," replied Ivan. "SHUT UP!" she yelled. *BANG, BANG!* Gunshots echoed through out the tunnel. We heard screaming and running, followed by more gun shots. A man came running into the room, covered in blood, holding his chest.

"She has- a GUN. SA-VE YOURSELVES!" he said before dropping dead to the ground. Others ran past the door and one man had a knife thrown to the back of his head. "What the hell is going on?! Go check it out!" Nina pointed to her men. I signalled Dominic to stay in the room and watch Nina while Ivan and I ran out. It was Mia. She was covered in splatters of blood, her hair was a mess, her frame was small, like she hasn't eaten in days. She had bruises on her face, a busted and swollen lip. Underneath her right eye turned different shades of purple.

She held her side and a gun, while limping towards us slowly. She held out the gun, shooting the men infront of us in a blink of an eye, sending bullets right through their skulls. Ivan and I had already taken cover by the time she made the first shot. "HOLYYYYY SHIIIIIT!" said Ivan. We looked around the corner and seen Mia making her way into the room where Dominic, my Mom and Nina were in. The look in her eyes were dark and cold, as if she was blank, empty. We followed behind her, but still kept our distance.

"W-what are you doing?" asked Nina looking at Mia in fear. She tried to keep it together. She placed the cold barrel of the gun to my Mom's head. "You wouldn't dare shoot me. I can pull this trigger in a second and it's bye-bye B-," said Nina. But before she finished her sentence Mia swiftly shot her foot which caused her to drop the gun. Bianca had already moved out of the way.

Mia walked up to Nina who was now screaming in agony and pain from her foot. She put the barrel of the gun to Nina's forehead. Nina was shaking as she slowly looked up. Mascara running down her face and eyes completely red. She was sweating. "P-please don't kill me. I'm sorry for framing you with the necklace at the auction gala!" she cried and begged. Mia lifted the gun from against her forehead and threw it. Nina trembled and let out a big sigh. Mia swiftly punched her, knocking Nina out cold.


The rage inside me said to kill the bitch, but I couldn't do it. She deserves to live and suffer. I hope she knows not to fuck with me ever again. The little energy I had left, I chose to punch her lights out. I slowly turned and looked at everyone. I couldn't do it anymore, I fell to the ground from exhaustion. Ivan searched Nina's pockets for the keys to unlock the cuffs around Bianca's ankles, while Dominic comforted her.

Everything just happened so quickly.
Mateo was on his knees with me, trying to grab my attention. "I'm so sorry Mia, I should've never doubted you about the necklace," he said apologetically. Bianca was free and immediately came by my side. She shook me and hugged me as I stood still on my knees like a vegetable, lifeless. "He killed Lorenzo," escaped my lips. "What?" asked Bianca.

I looked up at Dominic and the others followed my attention. Dominic scoffed. "Pshttt-What? Are you crazy? How could it possibly be me?" he questioned, jokingly. Ivan was already behind Dominic, pointing the gun at the back of his head. "Anything is possible at this point," said Ivan, still focused on him. Our other men from earlier, joined us inside the tunnel. Mateo gestured Ivan to take Dominic outside with our other men. Ivan grabbed Dominic at the back of his arm while holding the barrel up against the back of his head.

"Pick her up, we'll place them in separate rooms at the basment lockup," he instructed. I looked around frantically. "Mia? What is it?" said Mateo. "R-Ryder! He was working with Nina. I pistol-whipped him out cold. He should be in the next room," I said. Mateo looked at us. "Stay here," he demanded. He got up and ran out, into the next room. Mateo swung the cold, steel door open and found it empty. He came back into our room. "He's gone," he said.

"Shit, shit, SHIT! FUUUUCK!" I yelled, slamming my fist on the concrete ground. "My professor! Ryder, he's the son of Trisha," I said.

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