Chapter Four: The Internship

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The next morning, I sat up in Avery's bed and was dreading to go back home to meet with my parents. I knew my dad was upset. Avery was on the laptop, dealing with assignments as usual. "Oh shit, I recieved an email from Dellucci. He's assigned us places for our internships," said Avery. I took her laptop and looked at the email.

"He placed you at J'adore Micheal's?!" I said, shocked. "Right? I was dying to do my internship there,"said Avery. She took the laptop back from my grasp and scrolled down. "Uh, Mia?" called out Avery. I looked at her as she got my attention. She turned the laptop, screen in my direction. I looked closer and seen my name. "MORETTI TOWERS?!" I exclaimed.

"Holy shit Mia. The Moretti family is one of the most well known people, EVER. They have hotel chains all over the entire world. Plus they're known for their massive charity balls every year. Apparently all proceeds go to The Smile Foundation; helping sick children in need,"said Avery. "I would do anything to be in your place right now,"she continued.

Me? Doing my internship for Moretti Towers? A lot of people would do whatever it takes just to get hired there. I heard it isn't easy getting a job at that place. Sometimes employers take interns because they don't have to pay them, and it's free help, so why not? I was nervous and excited all at once for this once in a life time opportunity. Avery snaps her fingers infront of my face. "Hey, you okay?" she asked. I nodded.

"Hmm, it also has a note here saying that we need to prepare ourselves for our interviews. It's next Friday," said Avery. I looked up at her. "Shit! What if I don't get accepted?!" I panicked. Avery put her hand on my shoulder. "Mia, calm down. You'll do just fine," she assured me. I nodded.



After hearing my mom yell at my dad the day after the club incident during dinner. I was finally relieved it was Thursday. Laying in bed with my laptop. Scrolling through information about Moretti Towers. I knew some things about the Moretti history, but I decided to go more into depth, who knows how my interview process would be like. It's best if I came prepared. I scrolled down and seen a picture of an older couple. I studied the photo. In the caption read;

"Mr. and Mrs. Moretti, Owners and Founders of Moretti Towers."

I decided to scroll down once more and stopped at the sight of another photo, this time it was a younger, handsome man. He seemed to be around 25 or so. He has a beard, brown eyes and dark brown rugged hair. My attention was focused to the woman beside him. I looked down at the caption that read;

"Mateo Moretti, Mr. and Mrs. Moretti's son. Alongside fashion designer Nina DeLaRosè Cartier."

I was confused for a second, but suddenly my eyes went wide as I sprung out of bed and went to my desk leading to the pile of magazines. I took one and flipped it to the page. It was THE Nina DeLaRosè Cartier, world renowned fashion designer. She had a whole section to herself in every single fashion magazine. "Shit, is she dating Mateo Moretti? Will she be around?" I said to myself.

I was begin to feel a bit nervous about the interview process. I didn't even know who I was getting interviewed by. It's probably not Mr. or Mrs. Moretti because they're extremely busy people. And I doubt it'd be their son because he isn't in the spot light much. I've seen his parents in the tabloids. I closed my eyes and began to breathe in and out slowly. "I don't know why I'm so worried, I bet this interview will be a breeze," I said to myself.


The nexy day, I got up super early to get dressed and look my best. I wore a white collared shirt and navy blue blazer with dress pants and heels. I did my makeup and then my hair. Walking towards my mirror, I added the last touches to complete my look. "Well Mia, your look definitely says 'Business'," I said to myself.

*30 minutes later*...

I stepped half way out of my car and rested my resume folder ontop of the roof. Taking off my sun glasses, I looked up at the building. Making my way into the building and walking towards the reception area, I met with a little, blonde hair woman. "Can I help you?" she asked, smiling. "Oh- uh, I wasn't really given much information but, I'm here for the internship interview process," I said.

"Ahh yes. Mia right?" she asked. I nodded. She wrote down something on a piece of paper and handed it towards me. "Head right up to the 15th floor. I let Mr. Moretti know you're here," she added as she swiftly picked up the phone. My eyes widened and my throat became dry. "I-I'm sorry, uh-did you say Mr. Moretti?" I studdered. The woman nodded as she put down the phone.

"I've already notified him, good luck," she smiled. I turned around slowly and shuffled towards elevators. Mr. Moretti? Oh God. That means Mrs. Moretti is there too. I walked into the elevator and started to feel extremely hot. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, until.. *DING!* - the sound of the elevator snapped me out of my relaxation mode.

The elevator's door opened infront of me..

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