Chapter Twenty: Auction Gala

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Cameras flashed walking down the red carpet. "Mateo Moretti! Mateo Moretti!" called out one photographer trying to get his attention. "You've been seen around alot with Ms. Mia Salvatore. Would you say there's something going on between the two of you?" asked a news reporter. Mateo and I looked at each other.

He grabbed me by my waist and dipped me while stabilizing my back with his arm. His kissed me passionately. The crowd of paparazzi became loud and the camera's continued flashing. We walked inside the venue and was stopped by two very large men. Mateo gestured me to go forwards. Followed them into a large cubicle behind a black curtain.

Infront of me stood a velvet table. The gentleman in a tux and white gloves laid out the diamonds. My eyes widened. I turned back and seen Mateo standing behind me. He smiled. "Choose what catches your eye the most," he said. There were so many to choose from. Every single piece of jewelry were different, yet beautiful. "Is the Emerald Butterfly available? Or is my mother wearing it?" asked Mateo.

"Sorry Mr. Moretti, but your mother had chosen the Emerald Butterfly for Ms. Nina DeLaRosè Cartier to wear," said the gentleman. Mateo rolled his eyes. "It's fine Mateo. I'll take the Ruby Pear-shaped earrings," I said. The gentleman carefully put them on me. Mateo took one look at me and grinned. "That Emerald Butterfly necklace can't even compare to how beautiful you look," he said.

I blushed. Walking through the entrance venue door, I seen a few women here and there that seemed to be wearing the pieces from the Mozzafiato Collection. Some Sapphire, Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds. They were all so beautiful. In a distance we saw Nina and Bianca. Everyone crowded around to view the beautiful Emerald Butterfly necklace that Nina wore.

Mateo grabbed my hand and walked towards Nina and his Mom. "Ah there you are figlio," called out his mother. Mateo hugged his Mom and they kissed on each cheek. Nina was not pleased to see me. I could feel her eyes wandering up and down, checking out me out. "What is she doing here?" she asked. Mateo rolled his eyes. "I brought her here as my date," he said. Nina began to scowl.

"Nice to see you again Mrs. Moretti," I said smiling. Bianca grabbed my hand. "Call me Bianca, bella. I see that my son has got quite the catch. You're very beautiful. You resemble your father," she said. I tucked my hair behind my ear as I blushed. Hours passed and everyone was seated for dinner. As dinner was almost over, they announced that it was time for the auction gala. Multiple women were called up, showcasing each lovely piece of jewelry.

Wealthy men and women bid for the pieces. I was eventually called up and the beautiful ruby earrings I wore were auctioned off for 42 thousand dollars. As I took off the earrings handing them auctioneer. I went back to my seat and let Mateo know that I was running to the ladies room. Nina was way behind at the back of the room. Her eyes trailed me as she started to follow unnoticed.

Since no one was in the bathroom, I decide to leave my purse on the counter since it was pretty much empty anyway. All I walked with was some makeup for a touch up, my cell phone and a compact mirror. I made my way into the bathroom stall. While squating, I heard the bathroom door opened, but didn't thought much of it.

The sound of heels clacked away on the cold marble floor. The tap turned on as I heard the sound of water running. A moment later, the tap turned off and the person left the bathroom. I flushed and came out of the bathroom stall. Washed my hands, dried them. Before I left the bathroom, I took a good look at myself in the mirror and wiped a bit of the smudged red lipsticks off from the corner of my mouth, picked up my purse and walked out of the bathroom heading back to my seat.

Moments passed and it was almost time to bid the last piece. The Emerald Butterfly necklace. The sound of the commotion stopped the auctioneer in mid sentence. Everyone's attention was now focused behind the solid wood doors. Nina came in hysterically crying. Her hair and makeup was a complete mess and her dress was torn. "The Emerald Butterfly necklace is gone! I was drugged and someone took it!" she screamed.

The crowd began to panick. Mateo looked at his mother and stood up. "Everyone please calm down," said Mateo in a loud tone. I decided to call Dante and Cardo to tell them to keep an eye out and look around. I grabbed my purse putting it on my lap. I felt something wrapped in a cloth material.

Confused, I pulled it out my purse. My eyes widened. It was the necklace! Nina's attention focused on me as she screamed, "The intern! She has it!" she said. Mateo and his mother's attention was focused on me. Bianca had her hand over her mouth in shock. Mateo was in utter and complete disbelief. My eyes watered as I shook my head. kept whispering to Mateo "No, no, no."

A security guard grabbed me by my arm as the auctioneer came and took the necklace from me. Tears streamed down my face as I held back the guard from removing me. I looked at Mateo. "Please Mateo, you have to believe me! She's lying! I've been framed!" I cried. Mateo stared at the ground while Nina went by his side, continuing to cry silently.

The guard jerked my arm to let me know I need to leave. "Mateo, please believe me!" I contuned to cry. The security guard jerked me again that had me stumbling forward. I caught myself and continued looking behind me to see if Mateo was going to look at me. He was in such disgust he didn't dare to look.

"Mateo, you know Mia didn't do this," pleaded Cardo. Mateo looked at Cardo and Dante in silence. "The proof is right there! She had the necklace in her purse!" Nina argued. I didn't even get the chance to explain myself. The last thing I seen before the solid doors closed behind me was Nina hugging Mateo for comfort, as his back faced me. She looked at me and gave me the biggest grin.

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