Chapter Twenty-Five: Explanation

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Bianca decided to ride with Ivan while the others took Nina and Dominic. Mateo insisted I rode with him. He tried to make conversation in the car, but I just stayed quiet. The entire car ride back was completely silent. Although Mateo apologized for not believing me, it still hurt so much. The scenery was different around me and I could see a beautiful mansion peaking in the distance. It wasn't home. Mateo pulled around to the front and parked his vehicle.

"Where are we?" I asked, breaking the silence. "My place. The doctor is here to check on you and my Mom. I've already let your parents know, so they should be here soon," he replied. Mateo went around and helped me out of the vehicle. I winced in pain as a nurse came down the stairs and helped me. She helped me slowly make my way up the stairs and inside the mansion.

Moments passed by as the doctor finished wrapping bandages around my torso. The living room doors opened as my family entered the room. "Oh my god, Mia!" said my Mom as she hugged me. I winced. She gently let go of me and stood back, beside my Dad and Carlos. Cardo, Nico and Dante were behind them. They looked at the cast on my fingers and bandages on my torso. My Dad examed the swelling, cuts and bruises on my face.

He came and hugged me gently while he kissed my forehead. "I thought we lost you Babygirl," he said. I gave him a weary smile. "Well Miss Salvatore. It seems like your ribs are fractured in 2 places and your middle and ring fingers on your left hand have been broken. The swelling on your face and the discoloration should go away in a few weeks or so. Take each of these medications once a day until they're finished," said the doctor. I nodded.

"Thank you Dr. Langley," said Mateo. She nodded. "Please call me if anything changes or worsens," she added. The doctor and nurse left. "I'm going to kill whoever the fuck did this to Mia," said Dad. "There's something else you should know Mr. Salvatore," said Ivan. "Mia's professor, Ryder Dellucci, is Trisha's son," said Mateo. "Trisha had a son??" asked Mom. "We had no idea either," said Bianca. "Nina, Ryder and Dominic were working together," said Ivan. Everyone else on my side were confused and shocked.

"Wait what? Dominic? Isn't he your legal system?" asked Cardo. "Well Mia said that Dominic killed my father. I was hoping she'd explain that to me," said Mateo. Everyone's attention was now focused on me. I looked at all of them.


"Where are you taking me?" I asked while Ryder carried me. I was seeing double. He threw me down on an old mattress on the ground. My vision became one again. Ryder took his gun out and pointed it towards me. "Why are you doing this Ryder?" I asked. "I'm just trying to finish what my Mother started. What better way than to kill the daughter of the largest mafia boss in LA. That, and some money from the necklace," he said.

My mind flashed back to the surveillance footage from the robbery at The Moretti Towers. The person who shot me hid in the bathroom to disguise themselves as a police officer. My eyes widened. "You were the one who shot me that night robbing Moretti Towers," I said. Ryder smiled. "Smart girl, Miss Mia," he added. I had to do something. I looked around to see if there was anything to hit him with and there was nothing.

I got up from the mattress. "Sit down," he demanded. "Why Ryder? I see the way you look at me," I said as I slowly walked towards him. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," he said stuttering. "Are you sure? So there wasn't ever a time you thought about me?" I asked. I gently grabbed his dick through his pants and bit my bottom lip while batting my eyelashes at him. He grinned. Ryder slowly started letting down his guard.

I went in for the kiss. With the gun still in one of his hands, he gripped my ass with the other. His kisses trailed down my jaw to my neck. I ran my hand down his arm that held the gun. I gripped him firmly and kneed him in the balls. He screamed. He dropped the gun and I swiftly picked it up. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" He yelled still holding onto his crotch.

I pointed the gun as his head. "Did anyone ever tell you, you scream like a bitch?" I said. "Okok, what do you want? P-please, I'll tell you anything," he pleaded. "Is there someone working inside of The Moretti Towers?" I asked. He stayed quiet for a moment. "Yes," he answered. I pushed the cold barrel against his forehead.

"WHO?" I asked aggressively shoving the gun. "OKAY-OKAY! IT'S DOMINIC,"  he tattled. I was in complete shock. "Dominic was also the one who killed Lorenzo. This was his plan from the beginning. This was all premeditated," he continued. I thought for a second. "You say premeditated, how long ago?" I said pushing the barrel of the gun further. He started trembling.

"A-about 9 months ago," he stuttered. My mind travelled back to the first day I started my internship at The Moretti Towers. Dominic was out of the office on my first day. My eyes widened. "Your Mother must be so proud," I said sarcastically before pistol-whipping him real hard.


"You kissed him?!" exclaimed my Dad and Mateo at the same time. They looked at each other. I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I mean, we probably would've been dead if Mia hadn't taken out most of the men there," said Bianca. "She did what she had to do. It's not the best choice, but she's alive," said my Mom. "So where is Ryder?" asked Carlos. "He escaped," answered Ivan.

"Luca, is it possible Mia can stay with me here for awhile? I can take care of her," asked Mateo. I looked up at the both of them. "Mateo, she needs to be home where she's safe-" argued my Dad. "-And I can keep her safe. When she's with me, you know she's safe," he insisted, interrupting him. My Dad looked at me. "Okay, Mateo. My men and I will check up on her a few times a week," he said. Mateo nodded.

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