Chapter Seven: I'm In.

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Axle let me spend time with each of the staff members for the rest of the day to get to know them a bit more and explain what do they do in their line of expertise. It was finally the end of the day. As I headed towards the elevator, Natasha approached me with files in her arms. "Hey Mia! Before you go, Boss wanted to see you," she said. "Oh, okay thanks for letting me know," I said with a warm smile.

I walked to Mateo's office and seen that he was busy reading documents placed out on his desk. My eyes began to wander. He had what seemed to be reading glasses on, his sleeves were rolled up showing off his tatted arms. He wasn't wearing a tie anymore, which had me believed he had taken it off and unbuttoning a few buttons from his white collared shirt which exposed his tatted chest.

He looked even more handsome now that I've had a good look at him. Mateo looked up and smirked. SHIT. He caught me staring. I looked around the room and cleared my throat. "Mr. Moretti-" I called out. "You know I told you that you can call me Mateo," he said. "Rightttt.." I replied awkwardly. I walked towards his desk and took a seat in the chair. He folded his hands on his desk and leaned foward. "How was your first day?" he asked. "It was good. Your staff are really amazing people," I added.

He smiled. "Hired nothing but the best," he stated. I smiled. "But, aside from asking you how your first day went. The real reason I called you here was because I wanted to know if you spoke to your father?" he asked. "I did, he wasn't happy about me coming to work for you," I said. "I was afraid that might happen," he replied as he leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head.

"You know about our great grandparents history?" I asked. "Indeed I do," answered Mateo. "I knew that Franco was in love with Cecilia," he added. "So you also knew that Franco kidnapped Cecilia?" I asked. "Kidnapped? Yes. But in the beginning, Cecilia did love Franco," he said. I furrowed my brows. "Love? He was a monster. She didn't love Franco," I said sternly. "Look, things went south and he may be monster, but I can't justify why he did what he did," said Mateo.

"My father didn't mention that they were in love," I said, confused. "And that's why it's going to take a bit of time to convince him," said Mateo. I thought about it for a moment. "Besides, that was what? 3 generations ago? It's in the past," he mentioned. I scoffed. "Tell that to my dad," I added. Suddenly Mateo's cellphone rang. He answered it as I sat there quietly waiting to be dismissed. "Oh for fuck sakes Dominic! I'll be right there," he said talking on the phone.

"Listen Mia, I have to go. See you tomorrow at 8am?" he said. I nodded and left.



I headed upstairs after dinner to my room. As I sat on the bed, I remembered what Mateo had told me. Distracted by a knock at the door, my dad walked in. I moved over making room for my dae to sit. "Hey Mia Bella," he said. "Hey dad," I replied. "So, how was your first day at Moretti Towers? I assume you were treated well? If they didn't, you know you can tell me," he said. "Dad- dad. It was fine. They were all really nice," I assured him.

He folded his arms. "Was it true that great grandma Cecilia and Franco were in love in the beginning?" I asked. He furrowed his brows. "Who told you that?" he asked, sternly. "Is it true?" I asked him as I looked in his eyes. "What the fuck are they telling you at Moretti Towers? They feeding you bullshit?" he asked, angrily. I could tell that he wasn't happy just by the look on his face. "Dad, it's just a question!" I defended. He got up and walked towards the door.

"I don't want you bringing up this shit again, you hear me? I knew it was a bad idea for you to work for those son of a bitches," he said before he walked out. I was feeling quite annoyed. Mateo was right, that happened years ago. It's in the past. It's been a few weeks now, since I've been doing my internship at Moretti Towers. I'm finally just getting the hang of things. I woke up bright and early. Laid out the outfit I was going to wear and got dressed. I headed downstairs towards the kitchen and filled my coffee mug while grabbing a muffin before heading out the door. There awaited Cardo, ready to take me to work.

Arriving at the building, I went straight to Mateo Moretti's office. I could hear arguing coming from the meeting room with the frosted glass doors. It sounded like a familiar voice arguing with Mateo. I sat down on the chair and waited for them to finish. Out popped Mateo and Nina DeLaRosé Cartier. I stood up. "Listen Nina, I told you already that I am not going to that fucking Charity Ball with you on Friday, " said Mateo.

"But why not?! You were my date for the past 4 years to the Charity Ball. Now all of a sudden you don't want to go with me?" she said as she followed him to his desk. "First of all, the first year we went together, we were dating. After that, my parents forced me to take you just for public image. Now I'm a grown man, and no one will force me to do fuck all," said Mateo.

"Seriously Mateo? You're going to go alone?" she pouted. Mateo looked at me for a second and then smirked. "Actually Nina, no. No I am not going alone," he said as he turned to her. "Who with?" asked Nina, concerned. "Mia will be my date to the Charity Ball," he said. When he said my name, I felt my jaw drop. "What?!" I questioned. Nina looked at me. "You can't be serious Mateo, this has to be a joke," she said as she laughed awkward.

Mateo looked at Nina. "Does it look like I'm joking?" he asked with a serious look on his face. Nina's jaw tightened. "Whatever Mateo," she said before she turned around and walked off. "Why'd you tell her that I was going to the Charity Ball with you?" I questioned. Mateo pinched the bridge of his nose. "Because she's fucking annoying and I panicked," he said. "Panicked? Who would've thought," I added. Mateo sat at the edge of his desk and folded his arms. "So what do you say? You in?" he asked.

I thought about it for a moment..

"Yeah, I'm in."

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