Chapter Nineteen: Familiar Figures

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Two weeks went by and my thigh was finally healed. I no longer needed to use the crutches. I went back to work as an intern at The Moretti Towers. Mateo kept his promise to my Dad like he said he would. He would come every morning to pick me up, we'd spend the day together and then he'd drop me home at the end of the day. Did I mention that things were a bit different at the office?

Everyone there practically sees that Mateo and I flirt and kiss. They would call us 'The Perfect Couple'. Sometimes when Mateo would have to step out the office, he would bring me along. I typed away on my desktop before I was distracted by a knock on my door. I looked up and smiled, it was Mateo. "Hey there, beautiful," he said before coming around my desk to kiss me.

"Hey there, handsome," I said as I smiled. "So I've been doing some thinking," he said. My attention focused on him, while I listened. "What if I start paying you?" he suggested. "But Mateo, you know that this is just an internship—" I said. "—I know, but Rose and Natasha wouldn't stop talking about how amazing of a job you've been doing. So I've decided to hire you," he announced, while sliding his hands in his pockets.

"That's amazing! Oh my god, yes!" I exclaimed with excitement. He grinned. "That's great, I'll have Natasha take care of the paper work. Once she's finished, she'll bring it to you to have it signed," he said. I nodded. As the day went on, it was time to go home. "Hey baby, your Dad asked to see me," mentioned Mateo. I nodded. We stepped outside the vehicle and made our way to the front entrance.

My mom met me in the front foyer. Mateo and I separated as he went looking for my Dad. "I see you and Mateo are quite comfy," she said, smirking. "Mom, he's amazing," I began to tell her. She hugged me. "I'm glad you're happy bella," she added. I hugged her back. We heard commotion coming from another room. Mom and I looked at each other and decided to see what was up.

"What's wrong babe?" asked Mom. Dad put his fingers, pressing the bridge of his nose and sighed. "We're trying to track down the gang that broke into The Towers that night. And the person who shot Mia," he said. "Did you find anything?" I asked. Mateo shook his head. "Nico's been looking at the security footage. We seen one of the masked men entering the bathroom," he said.

"And look at this," said Nico making adjustments to the video and then showing us. I gasped. "He came out in a police uniform?!" I said, shocked. "That slimy bastard knew what he was doing," said Dad. Nico decided pause and zoom into the footage. It was a bit blurred. My eyes widened. The figure looked so familiar. It felt like as if I knew this person, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Can you make it out Mia?" asked Mateo. "I-I don't know. He looks familiar, but I just can't put a finger on it," I said. "Well whoever it is, this is the person who stole the Moretti files and shot Mia," said Cardo. "Good work Nico. See if you can find anything else. Street cameras near the Towers, anything suspicious," said Mateo putting his hand on Nico's shoulder. He nodded and went back to work.

"The shipment should be here this Thursday Luca," mentioned Mateo. My Dad nodded. "This week we're getting the jewels ready for Friday nights Auction Gala. It's all over the news papers. Each woman will be chosen to be on a list that allows them to choose one piece to wear," he continued. "So kind of like a showcase thing?" asked Cardo. "That seems kind of risky don't you think?" asked Dante. Mateo nodded. "But there will be tight security all over the place. I hired nothing but the best," he stated.

He looked at me. "Mia, would you do the honors of being my date for the auction gala Friday night?" he asked infront of everyone. I blushed. My Dad was about to say something until my Mom decided to cover his mouth. He looked at her and pouted. I laughed. "I would love to Mateo," I answered. He smiled.

The next few days seemed to go by quick, but it was finally Friday. I decided to call up Avery and ask her to help me find a dress for the Gala tonight. "Oh my god Mia, this is so exciting," she said with excitement. I came out the changing room. "So? How does it look?" I asked her. It was a black, off the shoulder, mermaid gown. Hugging every inch of my curves. "Wow Mia! You look stunning. Mateo won't be able to keep his eyes off you," she said.

I purchased the dress and said my goodbyes to Avery. Taking a look at my phone, I seen that it was almost time to get dressed. I set off and headed home. It was 7:30pm and I was putting on my Ruby Woo lipstick by Mac. My parents came into my room to see how I looked. "You couldn't have wore a turtle neck?" asked Dad. Mom playfully hit him. "You look beautiful sweetheart," she said.

"Thank you," I said as I smiled. Our attention was focused to the sound of Mateo's voice in the front foyer.. I made my way to the stairs and carefully came down making sure I didn't fall. Cardo and Dante were standing beside Mateo. I was confused. "Why are you guys in suits too?" I asked. "What? You thought we were going to miss a party?" said Dante popping his suit collar. Mateo shook his head and chuckled.

"I hope you don't mind. I asked your Dad if he could allow them to come, just so he can be at ease," said Mateo. "That was thoughtful of you," I said. He stuck out his arm. "Shall we?" he said. I intertwined my arm with his as we both walked out the door.

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