Chapter 23. Mark II

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Reminder: For those who forgot, the black circle is a small piece of tech that Izuku designed that sticks to his chest and covers up the glow of the Arc Reactor. That is all it is and nothing more.

(I don't own the image.)

"Hey Jarvis." - Talking

'I wish I had Jarvis.' - Thinking

"All systems up and running." - Jarvis, Phone call, Robot making noise, Flashback.

"Hello there." - Person with heavy accent speaking.

Iron Man. - Time, POV, A/N, Location, All Might Speaking.


Izuku Midoriya's POV

"God dammit." I mumble to myself as I sit up on my bed, not being able to sleep. I check the time and see it is one in the morning, and that class starts in six hours. I groan as I get out of bed and clap twice to activate the lights. "Good morning Izuku." Jarvis says to me through the speaker in my computer as I stretch.

"Morning." I say back to him as I crack my back. I stop my stretches and go through my closet and pull out a fresh uniform. I lay it out on my freshly made bed as I go find a towel and underwear. After finding all my clothes for today I debate whether to use my private bathroom or the shared bathrooms.

'The Private one has weak water pressure, and the shared one doesn't. Guess I'll just be extra careful.' I think to myself as I leave my room with my clothes and towel and go to the boys shared showers area.

I walk in the bathroom and examine the area before I take off my clothes, including the black circle and place it in my designated locker. I hang up my towel and hop into the large shower stall and close and lock the door.

I turn the water on and let myself melt away in the hot water that pours onto me. I close my eyes and suddenly I remember the camp that I lit on fire with my flamethrowers in that metal suit. I push the thoughts away and I am met with the sweet and fresh memory of me asking Melissa out.

"I can't wait.." I mumble as I begin to hum until I think of something. "What if she just thinks it is a friendly meet up!" I yell at myself. I start to mumble but stop when I hear the bathroom door open. 

"I didn't expect anybody else to be up." I hear Todoroki say with his monotone voice. As he get in the shower stall next to me. 'Hasn't he ever heard of having one stall between people?' I think to myself. "So why are you up?" He asks me.

"Trouble sleeping." I respond and he takes his time to say something back. "I wouldn't expect the class cinnamon roll to have sleeping issues." He remarks and I internally sigh. "I'm not a cinnamon roll or whatever. We were only in school for four months before I got taken and none of you guys really made an effort to get to know me." I inform him as I turn the water off in my stall and quickly dry myself off before wrapping the towel around my water and rushing over to my locker to put on the circle.

I put it on and then begin to change into my school uniform. "See you in class." I say to him as I exit the bathroom. I take one step out of the bathroom and immediately bump into Mr. Aizawa who was standing outside. 

I open my mouth to apologize but before I can. "Be quiet!" He whisper yells at me and I nod. He drags me away from the bathroom and downstairs to the common room. He looks around before he begins to talk. 

"I came to find you, regardless of the time because the Hero Commission finally looked into your kidnapping case even though I closed it four weeks ago." He informs me as I nod along, listening to every detail. "And suddenly they are very interested in how you escaped and what you built, even though I never said you built something in the mission report." Which makes me think back to the conversation we had four weeks ago.

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