Chapter 10. Lets Get Down To Business

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Hey Jarvis." - Talking

'I wish I had Jarvis.' - Thinking

"All systems up and running." - Jarvis, Phone call, Robot making noise.

"Hello there." - Person with heavy accent speaking.

Iron Man. - Time, POV, A/N,


Izuku's POV- Current Time

'Are they even looking for me?' I think to myself as I lay on the metal table pretending to be ill. 'I mean I am ill but I made it seem like I'm about to die. And that'll probably happen in a week if I'm lucky.' I mutter to myself in my head.

"Don't talk like that." The brown haired man says. "Did I say that out loud?" I ask as get off the metal table. "Yep." He says as he continues to read a book. "So how long have you been here?" I ask him and he pauses.

"I.. I'm not sure." He says looking up from his book. "I'm sorry.." I say and he nods. The room is silent for a moment before I start to walk around the small cave we are in, examining everything. 

"How the hell did they get my tech?" I ask the man. "They probably stole a shipment that you sent to somebody. But what I don't understand, why does a kid make guns?" He asks me.

"Oh I don't. You see I don't make the guns, I'm mostly known for trying to create healthy and clean energy sources. But the energy source still isn't in it's finished form so it can be harnessed as a weapon. And I recognized it when I saw their guns." I explain to him. The man nods and it is quiet once again.

"I miss my robots." I mumble to myself but he hears and laughs. "Did you say robots?" He asks and I nod. "They are mainly assistants when I build stuff... One has a camera attached to it's side and records trials of the inventions. And the other picks stuff up and grabs it for me. The one that grabs stuff is so obsessed with fire extinguishers." I laugh. 

"I like you kid. I wish we weren't in here so we could make something together." The man says. "Wait you aren't just a doctor?!" I ask.

"Nope. I am a Scientist!" He says proudly while I look at him in awe. "Guess we haven't been formerly introduced then. I'm David Shield." David says as he reaches out his hand.

"Wait as in 'The David Shield'?!" I ask as I shake it. He nods his head with a smile on his face. "I thought people forgot about me." David says.

I was about to tell him about the museum that was built in his honor but the metal door gets banged on as a way of telling us that people were coming in the room.

The bald man enters the room with two heavily armed men behind them. The door shuts with a loud Clank! "Hello there my two inventors!" The bald man says joyfully "So have you decided if you will build my device yet?" He asks in his thick accent. I pause, thinking carefully about the situation.

"No." I say once again like all the other days. The man still has a smile on his face while the two armed men behind him are ready to beat me again. "Oh well." He says as he signals the men in my direction.

The men walk up to me and then go behind me and grab David to the front of the room. More men come into the room, all heavily armed with guns and armor.

"Wait wait wait what are you doing?" I say, panicking. "Will you build the weapon?" The man asks me with a lot more venom in his voice now. I look at David who is being forced onto his knees and restrained. He nods no. 

The man sees this and growls before going to the burning furnace before using a tong like material to grab a burning rock.

He brings it to David and forces his mouth open while smiling. "Wait!" I shout as I step forward, immediately all the guns are pointed at me.

"I will build your weapon. If you promise me no harm will be done to this man." I say as the man puts down the burning rock. "Tell me why you need this man." He says.

I pause for a moment thinking what to say. "He's a good assistant." I say and the man smiles even more. He signals the men to let David go, which they do. He says something fast in a language I don't know and David translates for me.

"He wants you to make a list of materials for the device. Then he'll let you go." I smile and shake the man's hand as he smiles.

"No he won't." I say.

"No he won't." David confirms.


Back In The Cave- Izuku's POV

"I'm a hero in training! Why aren't they looking for me!" I shout as I look over the blueprints for the device. "I'm sure they are looking for you Midoriya. But in these mountains they will never find you here." He says as I go over to one of the futons to sit.

"Look at your tech in the hands of those villains. Is that your life legacy? To be known as the man who supplied them?" He asks me.

"Is that how you want to go out? Is this the last act of defiance from Izuku Midoriya?" David asks me. "Or will you do something about it?" He says.

"Why should I do anything? I'm good as dead with my chest, and I know they will kill me no matter what! And if they don't then I will die in a week or less." 

"Well then... this is a very important week for you?" He asks me and it hits me.


Time skip: 45 Minutes Later

I'm walking down the hallway with a bunch of men following me as I'm going to my new work station writing stuff down while I give orders. "If this is going to be my work station I want it well-light. Hang up as many lights as you can. I need welding gear I don't care if it's acetylene or propane." I take a moment before I continue.

"I need a soldering station, I'm going to need goggles, and helmets. I would like a smelting cup. And I need two sets of precision tools." I say all while David translates to all of them.

"Do any of them speak English?" I whisper to David. He nods his head no. "Good then I can tell you what we are going to do." I tell him and his eyes go wide.


And end chapter! Thank you for all the support! I have so many reads and a few votes now! Just today I even got my first comment!! Have a good day awesome viewers!

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