Chapter 35. Final Exams

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"Hey Jarvis." - Talking

'I wish I had Jarvis.' - Thinking

"All systems up and running." - Jarvis, Phone call, Robot making noise, Flashback.

"Hello there." - Person with heavy accent speaking, Person Speaking Without being shown.

Iron Man. - Time, POV, A/N, Location, All Might Speaking.


{ Third Person }

| Location: UA High |

| Time: 8.11 A.M. |

"Ugh! This is so annoying! I want to go on the trip so bad, but we won't be able to if we don't pass the final exam! Plus I haven't been studying as much because of everything that has happened lately!" Mina cries and Kirishima nods his head. 

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I also haven't studied as much as I should. I'm kinda worried..." The boy rubs his neck while Sero groans. "You're also forgetting about the physical part, what if we fail one and not the other? Are we still not allowed to go?" The tape-hero asks.

"Come on. It'll be fine, you guys are smart. Don't give up." Midoriya remarks, hunched over his desk as he uses a weird looking piece of equipment on a pair of glasses. "Says the genius." Hagakure glares at Midoriya even though he can't see what she is doing.

"Done!" Midoriya cheers and picks up the pair of glasses. He puts them on and taps the side of them. A holographic images projects from the glasses and the class looks in amazement. "This my friends..." He begins to announce.

"Is the blueprints for the pool that is being put in behind the Heights Alliance building." Aizawa interrupts Midoriya as he walks into the classroom. "Everybody sit down and shut up, Midoriya go put those away." The grumpy man walks up to the podium at the front of the class.

"I know you all are nervous. I'm here to talk to you about the written portion of the exam, the physical portion will be later on today. The exam will be on everything we have learned about this year." Aizawa begins to inform the class of young heroes.


{ Three Hours Later }

"Easy." Midoriya walks into the cafeteria with the rest of his class as they talk about the written part of the exam. "What are you talking about?! That was super hard!" Kirishima screams. Midoriya just smirks and listens to the class argue. 

He slinks away from the group and walks out of the cafeteria. "If I work pretty hard throughout lunch break then I think I can start on upgrading Jarvis. Still, I'm pretty lucky that the school allowed me to use the suit for the exam." He mutters as he walks down the hallways.

"Really? Skipping lunch? Quite the delinquent are we." A familiar voice comments and the hero turns around. "Melissa?" She grins and runs up to the shocked boy and pulls him into a hug. "I missed you! And we are on break so I decided to visit!" She explains to the beaming boy.

"I missed you too!" He kisses her and grabs her hand. "I have stuff to show you!" He announces. "Well then, what are you waiting for?" They take off to the dorms and into Midoriya's room. "This! Is Jarvis!"

He snaps his fingers and a giant orange ball appears in the form of a hologram. "It is a pleasure to meet you Ms Shield. I am J.A.R.V.I.S. which stands for 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. I was created by Mr. Midoriya when he was eight, and I help him with many of his technical tasks." Jarvis explains to a shocked Melissa.

"Woah.. this is genius!" She compliments and Midoriya smiles. "He is also integrated into my hero costume." He flicks a light switch on and it reveals one of the empty Armored Suits. Midoriya begins to explain it to Melissa and soon they begin to work on upgrading Jarvis.

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