Ch 36: A Walk in the Garden

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Twillow was honestly taken by surprise when Valluen kissed her amid their dance. Then again, ever since she'd returned home he'd been nothing but romantic and stealing kisses from her. At first it had felt strange but familiar to her and she didn't reject it because it felt nice. She would be lying to herself if she denied that she was attracted to Valluen. But as his lips pressed to hers she felt reservations about it. Abruptly she turned her head, broke the kiss and resumed their dance. His deep blue eyes seemed confused for a moment but fell back into the familiar step patterns.

The lit flowers of the Orchestral Tree dimmed with the conclusion of the waltz and the guests applauded. A brief pause and the tree's glow changed and another song began; something spritelier this time.

Valluen followed Twillow to the side when she decided not to partake in that dance.

"Is there something the matter, Twillow?" his tone was concerned.

Twillow sighed, "Valluen...don't you think we...we're moving too fast?"

"Too fast?"

She nodded, "I've only been back three days've been very sweet and romantic...but...I feel we're moving too fast."

The elf seemed baffled but concerned too, "I-I'm sorry, Twillow. But I thought we...we were...I mean you never said anything to the contrary."

"I know. And I'm sorry I didn't say anything before. It's're treating me as if I never left. But I did. And so much has happened since that time. I-I'm not ready for what you're wanting right now." She admitted, not liking the bitter taste it was leaving in her mouth.

The attractive elf lowered his ears slightly but nodded with understanding, "I must apologize, Twillow. I didn't realize my abruptness was making you uncomfortable. I just wanted to start afresh since you came back. Please forgive me."

She nodded. If there was one thing about Valluen he was a gentleman to the end. Though the speed at which he was trying to rekindle their old relationship was a big chunk of her awkwardness, there was yet another piece to her hesitance; the piece that still hadn't forgiven Valluen for letting her get banished. He adamantly claimed that he had no knowledge until after the fact and Twillow had little reason to not believe he was telling the truth. But a lingering bitterness over the whole affair had failed to leave her heart even now.

In any case, she wasn't ready to accept public affection from him.

But then Marci's questions from earlier were also pestering her: "So... do you like him? Hmm?"... "Is there something between you and giant guy?"

Sig's wife Leida had brought up that same question months ago. How strange it came into the conversation again in a completely different realm from a different person.

Was there something between her and Kendrick that was more than a friendship and people were picking up on it?

He'd never said anything about such feelings. He was usually so stoic and held back his emotions, only briefly showing a smile or happiness every so often. Still, Kendrick treated her with absolute respect and showered her with doting care. He never did that for anyone else.

Twillow's eyes moved about the ballroom and when she didn't see Kendrick she moved over into the dining hall. But he wasn't in his chair or standing anywhere in that room either.

Where did Kendrick go?


Kendrick went out one of the side doors of the Birchwood mansion onto an open-air veranda that overlooked the garden Estate. He clenched at both of his hearts, almost feeling them tearing apart inside him. He'd been stuck with numerous kinds of sharp weapons in his life and none of them dealt the pain he was feeling. Not even when he was cursed did the pain hit him so hard. He tried to calm his deep breaths and gradually he did, albeit the storm inside him was still whipping up furiously.

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