Ch 43: We Have Returned

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Minutes later...

Once everyone departing for the Lower Realm was assembled and all supplies gathered, they stood before the glowing portal. Sig seemed to be doing better holding it open when compared to his first attempt. He had even gotten it to double the size. But it still was too small for Kendrick to even crawl through.

Hugo smiled at his pupil who was doing his best to grow the portal wider but was still struggling.

"Very good, Sig. But you'll run out of magic at this rate. Here."

With confidence, Hugo held up his portion of the Sunfire Topaz and it glowed intensely whilst floating up out of his hand. His hands swished in an elegant flowing dance for a moment before opening them forcibly behind the stone. It flashed and the portal widened considerably; wide and tall enough for Kendrick to duck through.

Sig stole a glance at the fae noting how easy he had made that action.

Hugo noticed the look and smiled, "You'll get there, Sig. This will be easier the next time."

"If you say so." The blonde man shook his head incredulously. "Thanks for the boost."

Hugo kept his hands in position and then looked up at Kendrick, "Come, come, big fella! Go on through."

Kendrick glanced over at Twillow as she flew near him.

She gestured, "I'll be right behind you."

He nodded and ducked through the opened portal like he was going through a short doorway. Once the giant was through, Hugo and Sig could reign in their magic and returned the portal to a more manageable size. Then Helia and Gillam passed through along with the horse.

Twillow flew down and touched her brother's arm, "Thank you, Hugo."

"You're most welcome, dear Sister. I do hope you'll come back one of these days with your big gray beau?"

She laughed quietly and nodded, "We will. I promise."

"Oh! Speaking of that. I have something for you in my left pocket. Fetch it out for me won't you?" he coaxed.

Doing as he said, Twillow pulled a red leather pouch from Hugo's pocket. It clinked with the sound of stones.

"What are these?"

A sly wink closed one of Hugo's eyes, "Just a few curse stones for you to use."

Twillow blinked with realization. However, it just didn't seem like something Hugo would decide to do on his own.

She held up the bag suspiciously, "Did Marci tell you to do this?"

Hugo giggled quietly, "Perhaps she mentioned the idea to me..."

Twillow stole a glance back at the house and she could see her friend waving from the window near the veranda. She waved back to her, shaking her head.

Of course, Marci would...

She spotted her parents too and waved to them as well. They waved back; her father strongly, her mother weakly. It was apparent she was trying hard to hold herself together.

"You should get going, Sister," her brother coaxed.

With a nod, Twillow flew through and disappeared, leaving only Sig standing next to Hugo.

Hugo gestured with his head at Sig, "I've got it, Sig. You go on through."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just ease back, lower your staff, and I'll take over." He explained.

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