Ch 16- Yes or No

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The next day...

Twillow had been excited about the invitation to see Sig and Leida. Kendrick, on the other hand, was feeling sick to his stomach. He couldn't eat his breakfast and he hadn't slept much the night before since his brain wouldn't quit torturing him with all the 'what-if' scenarios of the next day's plan. Most of the situations always seemed to end up in the worst way; the worst of all being Twillow felt so appalled by the idea that he loved her that she left and he never saw her again. Every time he thought of that his guts clenched painfully.

Surely it wouldn't end that badly?

"You're quiet today." Twillow mentioned in his ear, "Are you ok?"

Kendrick jerked slightly, jostling her, "Oh. I- I don't mean to be."

The fae moved her wings a bit, staring at him, "You seem...nervous."

He made a scoffing noise but didn't say anything because he knew he'd have to lie.

"She's on to you dummy...she's going to keep at you until you fess up and ruin everything!" his mind warned him ominously.

"I'm...uh...just a bit out of sorts I guess. Didn't sleep well."

"You didn't eat anything this morning." She put a hand to his wall of a cheek to feel his temperature, "Do you feel sick?"

That warmth came surging back when her tiny hand touched him, "A little...but nothing to worry about." He reassured her.

He wanted to pick up the pace, get to Sig's, and figure out what he wanted to know as quickly as possible. But, he didn't want to tip off Twillow to anything before it was time. He couldn't screw this up...

It felt like an eternity but finally Kendrick and Twillow arrived at Sig's home. The wizard was sitting in a chair outside watching his two children play with a ball. When they felt Kendrick coming they stopped and looked up. The moment the trees parted and his shadow fell on their house, Sig's daughter Fina ran and hid behind her dad's chair. She was very much afraid of the terrifying giant who came around from time to time.

Her older brother Leon, however, wasn't afraid and waved, "Hi, Mr. Kendrick! Hi, Twillow!"

Twillow fluttered down from Kendrick's shoulder to the ground, "Hello, Leon and Fina. Are you having fun?"

"Yeah. Wanna play with us?" Leon offered, holding the ball which was made from leather and soft stuffing.

Sig interrupted skillfully, "Actually, Leida was saying she was hoping you'd get here and help her with the stew, Twillow." He gestured to the door, "She's inside."

The fae bat her wings before folding them along her back, "Oh. Ok then. Sorry, Leon. Guess I'm helping your mom."

"Ok..." was the disappointed reply.

Twillow noticed Fina still hiding from Kendrick behind her dad's wooden chair and held out her hand, "Wanna come in with me, Fina?"

The little dark headed girl looked way up at Kendrick cautiously to make sure he wasn't watching and took the fae's delicate hand. Then they both went inside.

Leon frowned but then looked way up at Kendrick too, "You wanna play, Mr. Kendrick?"

"Uhm..." the giant rumbled uncertainly and pointed to the open field behind the trees. "I...think I'll just go over there and sit for a while."

Briskly, he stepped away from the house and made a path to the field. His mind was so a whirl with thoughts and dreads he couldn't keep anything straight.

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