Ch 13- Hurricane Kendrick

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Twillow listened for the woman as she flew. She followed the sound of the woman's screams and cries and was soon able to locate her in a clearing amid the forest. She had long, dark brown hair and medium toned skin. She was naked save for the ropes that bound both of her arms to the trunk a big tree. She was on her knees, sobbing and seemed clearly exhausted from fighting her bonds.

Who had done this to her and why?

With a quick drop of her wings, Twillow glided down the rest of the way and came to a running landing in front of the bound woman. The naked woman cried out but then stared at her with wonder through tear-filled eyes.

Twillow held up her hands and approached quietly, "It's ok. I'm here to help you."

"Wh-What?" the woman stammered in a strained voice.

Twillow observed the tree and the ropes that bound the woman, trying to find a way to unbind her, "Who did this to you?"

The woman shook her head as if she didn't want to say.

"You don't know? Why would they tie you up out here like this?" Twillow asked, placing her hands on the ropes.

Her hands glowed unleashing a bit of magic to unwind the fibers of the rope. Compliantly the ropes unwound themselves and went slack on the ground, freeing the woman. She was about ready to warn her that she needed to leave the forest but then she heard Kendrick's voice thundering in the distance.

"Twillow! NO! That's a TRAP!"

The fae squinted. Trap?

The woman shook her arms, throwing the ropes from her hands and ran like a scared animal. Twillow didn't pause to ask more questions and flew up off the ground. But without warning the clink of metal sounded, a flash of silver, and then an excruciating burning lit up Twillow's ankle. She screamed with pain. Even before she looked down she knew it was iron that was touching her. Her wings gave out and she fell to the ground, kicking her leg wildly. Wrapped around her ankle was an iron chain whip. A rough looking man wearing a long, brown leather overcoat was holding the other end. He rattled as he moved because the coat was bordered with fangs and sharp bones of all sizes lining the bottom edge and collar. His face was very weathered and one of his eyes was cloudy with blindness. But it made him no less intimidating as he stood very tall for a human; over six foot two.

The rough looking man gripped his chain whip firmly and pulled Twillow toward him. She cried out as the metal constricted her ankle and burned her skin.

"Reactive to iron...some sort o' magical creature." He mentioned as he stepped closer, looping up his whip as he came.

Twillow kicked her leg more, trying to rid it of the searing metal but the weapon was wound firmly to her. She desperately wanted to grab the links and unwind them to free herself but the iron would only burn her hands too. Her magic felt choked off and far away, as if she could never reach it. Finally, the rough man was near enough to reach down and grab the back of her neck with one large hand. She winced, unable to hold back the tears of pain.

"Please! Please take that off me!" she pointed fervently to the chain in his hand.

The rough man turned her head forcibly with his hand to show her the tree, "You let our bait go for the Gray Shadow...but I think you'll suffice."

Twillow's eyes widened at him realizing in that instant that he meant Kendrick. He was trying to lure Kendrick here with that woman? So that meant he was... a slayer. Kendrick knew it was a trap and she foolishly flew right into it. She hissed through her teeth, feeling the chain continue its torturous burning.

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