Ch 27- The Golden Peryton

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Earlier that day before the trio arrived in Marlayla...

Twillow had slept hard in her old room. Though the bed Kendrick had made for her was indeed comfortable there was just something about the familiarity of her own bed that her body had not forgotten. She rose up and stretched her arms and wings with a yawn. Not a few moments later there was a gentle knock at the door.

"Come in." Twillow called in a sleepy tone.

The door opened and in crept Marci with a tray of breakfast, "Morning."

She smiled at her friend, "Good morning."

The chef approached her bed and laid the bed tray across the fae's lap, "I figured you'd want a bit more magic infused foods since you've gone without for so long."

Twillow stared at the offerings. A brightly colored magic infused fruit bowl glistened appealingly in the center of the tray. It was topped with Marci's special custard cream that she put on almost all of her desserts and sweet offerings. The elven succubus knew it was one of Twillow's favorites. A small glass of glistening purple-white elixir sat off to the corner of the tray. Twillow recognized it as a type of "fae energy juice". It wasn't the greatest tasting beverage but it was healthy and was often given to fae suffering from magic deprivation to boost their magic production.

Eagerly Twillow began eating the fruit bowl and drank the elixir as Marci watched, "Thank you, Marci."

"You're welcome. I don't suppose you got breakfast in bed in the Lower Realm." She mentioned in a sympathetic tone.

Twillow chewed a particularly large piece of fruit and swallowed, "Actually...I did."

Marci gave a confused look, "Huh? You did?"

The fae nodded, stabbing a second piece of infused fruits.

Marci sat on the bed next to her with interest, "Ok. Now you've got me curious. You have to tell me what happened down there."

"I made some friends in the Lower Realm."

"Humans?" Marci seemed shocked even guessing it.

Humans were considered a rare but dangerous race, prone to barbarous tendencies; hence the split between the Lower and the Parliel Realms. Marci had never seen a real human and before her time in the Lower Realm Twillow had only glanced at one in the market being led by an orc merchant.

Twillow nodded, "Yes. And Kendrick."

Marci leaned in with interest at the mention of a male name, "Who's Kendrick?"

"He's the giant I lived with when I was in the Lower Realm."

The elven succubus's green eyes grew wide; her jaw forget its place until she shook her head, "Hang on...did I hear you correctly? A giant?"


"But, giants don't exist anymore! You only read about them in the oldest history records." Marci argued.

"Well, Kendrick is real." The fae insisted, eating more fruit. "And I also made friends with a female, monster slayer and a human wizard and his family."

Marci listened with rapt interest, "Are you serious? You're making that up!"

Twillow bat her wings with insistence, "No, it's true! I swear!"

Marci tapped her arm repetitively, "Prove it! Show me your Memory Eyes!"

Showing one's Memory Eyes was an advanced magic that could show someone a fae's memories or experiences. It required quite a bit of magic and concentration. Twillow had always wanted to use it when describing the Parliel Realm to her friends, but it would've been too magically taxing in the Lower Realm. Here in her home realm her magic was strong again.

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