Ch 29- Rumors and Debate

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The day before...

Twillow had spent a good portion of her morning trying on different outfits in front of her mother. Though it was rather tedious sometimes, Twillow did enjoy seeing herself in a plethora of outfits and with her parents' wealth it was indeed a privilege to basically get whatever outfit looked best, no matter the price. It was about the twelfth dress when Gelilah had to excuse herself briefly.

"I'll be right back." she assured, standing and heading out of the door of the dressing chambers of Twillow's room. "Don't try on too many more while I'm gone, I want to see!"

"Ok." Twillow confirmed, turning to peer at the back of the dress she was currently trying on.

It was purple, a light tint with an open back and a flowing bow with a silvery lattice pattern just below her wings. She gave a minimal frown, unsure of whether she liked the bow's style.

"Don't you like it, Miss Twillow?" one of the dress merchants asked.

"Hm. I like the color...the front is fine...not sure about this bow though." She mulled over the style.

Attentively the dress merchant gestured to her helpers and they began to search their inventory in the hopes of finding something similar for their client.

A gentle knock came at the door.

"Come in." Twillow called in an almost distracted way.

In strode Valluen, dressed in a casual, yet dapper blue suit outfit. His white hair was pulled attractively back to show off his classic elf ears and attractive jawline.

"Hello, Twillow." He greeted warmly.

"Valluen?" Twillow was once again surprised by his appearance, "What are you doing here?"

He entered the room smoothly, looking at her with his deep blue eyes, "That dress looks simply lovely on you."

Her wings twitched bashfully, "Th-thank you."

"Are you going to wear this to the party tomorrow night?" he inquired.

"Um...still trying to decide." She admitted.

A smile crossed his handsome face. He reached out and took her hand, delivering a gentle kiss to her fingers, "It wouldn't matter. Any dress would be made more radiant with you wearing it."

Twillow's wings twitched again, "Flatterer."

"No! I mean it." He insisted with a smile.

After a moment, Twillow asked, "So, what brings you here?"

Valluen smiled again and made a pinching motion with his hand. He slid his hand through the air and magically produced a purple rose with silvery white fringe on the petals.

Smoothly he held it up to her, "Just to see you and let you know that I'll be at your party tomorrow night."

"O-oh. Thank you." She accepted the flower.

"I was hoping I might be your escort." he smiled, "If you'll have me?"

Twillow could feel a warmth in her face. It felt so strange to hear that from Valluen again, when only recently he'd been married to another woman and seemingly out of her reach. How many events had they attended during that time when they were escorting and being escorted by someone else? How they would acknowledge each other as friends only to secretly pine for the other. Those days seemed so distant even though it had only been a year ago. And now they were being lived again.

But did it feel the same as before?

She smiled softly, "Yes. Yes of course you may escort me tomorrow night."

The Shadow of BeautyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon