Ch 39: No Humans Allowed

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Euphoria. Relief. Doubt. Questions.

These were all ingredients in the emotional cyclone rushing through Kendrick.

And yet, for a brief moment in a very long time, Kendrick's hearts and mind forgot all quarrel of logic and feeling. All they could register was the soft, warm pressure of Twillow's lips pressing to his, sending a lightning storm through his body.

Never had he been kissed like that ...ever.

He never realized an action so simple could make him feel so much and with such intensity. Every now and again he'd seen humans do this and the scents they gave off told him it was indeed a pleasant experience. But he'd given up hope of ever experiencing such a thing. It would never happen for him. But here it was...happening to him...and it didn't disappoint.

As her scent filled his head, all time seemed to melt into a puddle of incoherence until finally she pulled away, slowly opening her wet, violet eyes to him. He exhaled a shuddering breath of disbelief.

Had that really just happened? He wasn't dreaming?

The tingle prickling at his lips seemed to confirm the reality of it. Twillow's delicate fingers stroked the side of his face as she smiled at him. He seemed stunned, frozen in place.

"W-was that real?" Kendrick asked in an astonished voice.

A brightness glowed over Twillow's face as she laughed at his question, "What do you mean? Of course, it was real."

Kendrick seemed flustered, "I didn't just do that be-because you felt sorry for me or...something?"

She held his face with a serious look in her shimmering eyes, "No, Kendrick. Of course, that's not the reason!" A tear dripped off the end of her perfect eyelashes, "I did it because I wanted to."

Those words melted everything away like snow in a hot skillet. They seemed to be the only words dominating Kendrick's mind. It was as if all other words had been forgotten and he no longer understood anything anymore. After what felt like an eternity of internally killing himself with dread and second-guesses, the weight of his mental mill stone had been lifted. Yet...there were still more weights bearing down on him.

"But...I thought you loved...Valluen?"

Twillow gave a slightly uncomfortable look but sighed, "There was a time I did. But since I've returned I haven't been feeling the same about him anymore." She smiled at him again, "I just didn't know you felt that way for me. How long have you felt that way, Kendrick?"

Kendrick swallowed hard to loosen the tightness in his throat, "Since...the spring I think."

The fae's wings bat slowly as she questioned gently, "Then...why didn't you ever say anything?"

He gave a short smile which faded into a grimmer expression as he looked down, "I would think you'd know the answer to that."

She tenderly touched his cheek and neck, "Why?"

He looked at her before sighing, "I...I didn't think that you''d actually feel that way for someone like me. We're just so different...and I didn't want to scare you or ruin the friendship we had and make it...weird." He brought his hand up to grip hers, "I would rather deny my feelings than risk spoiling the one thing I cherish."

Twillow squeezed his hand with a bashful smile.

"You-you're not just teasing me? Y-you really feel that way?" he tentatively asked.

She nodded again, "Yes. I do."

His eyes darted and returned to her, "Is it...because I'm like this now?"

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