Ch 38: I'm Feeling...

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Twillow took a sip of tea and sighed, "What did you want to talk about in private?"

"What was he doing in here?"

"I told you, Kendrick made me breakfast."

"Why was he wearing that?"

Twillow had to do her best not to laugh but merely shrugged with a straight face.

Gelilah sighed, "We need to talk about last night."

"Do we?" Twillow remarked flippantly.

"Yes, we do."

Twillow set down her teacup, "What about last night specifically."

"Valluen." She stated.

"What about him?"

Gelilah sat on the edge of her bed with a serious look on her face, "He's a good match, Twillow."

Twillow sat up a bit straighter, "A good match?"

"He's a good, young man. Well-established, gentlemanly, and he cares for you." Gelilah explained.

"Yes. Yes he is." Twillow agreed.

"He worked so hard with your brothers to return you home. I know this seems forward of me, but I think fate has brought you both back together for this second chance." Her mother sounded sincere.

Twillow closed her eyes a moment then stated, "If that's what you believe, I can't change that. But I don't want to rely on fate to make my decisions, Mother. I want to make my own decisions."

She put her breakfast tray off to the side and got out of bed to put on some clothes for the day.

Gelilah sighed, "You have a good future with him you know?"

Twillow's wings buzzed as she turned with frustration in her voice, "I'm not so sure I want a future with him, Mother."

Her mother looked shocked, "You'd throw away this perfect opportunity for what reason?"

Twillow continued to put on a sun dress for the day, adjusting her wings in the back. She didn't answer. This wasn't a new conversation between her and her mother. The topic of betrothal and her future always seemed to always be lurking in the background of every serious discussion they had. Twillow knew her mother was concerned about her future and well-being as much as any parent would, but Twillow also didn't want her mother to make those decisions for her or constantly shove "options" under her nose.

Gelilah's face turned stern as she gestured to the door, "Is this about him?"

Twillow seemed to freeze in place as she lifted her head.

"You can't be serious, Twillow..."

"And what if I am?" was her defiant response. "I'm done talking about this, Mother. I will make my own decisions and I'm sorry if that hurts your sensibilities. But it's my life and I will not be coerced into a relationship."

That's when they both heard Sig shouting in the hallway.


Kendrick sighed, trudging back toward the stairs to retrieve his shirt in the kitchen. For some reason he was feeling physically weak. His feet felt like lead weights and he was growing dizzy too. A dreadful thought occurred to him: was he starting to change back now? He looked at his arms and chest, trying to determine if he was growing. No change that he could tell. Hugo did mention he'd feel a tingling along his spine when he was going to revert back, but he wasn't feeling anything like that.

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